Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Newly constructed Homes: Can they be haunted?

Remember “Poltergeist” the movie and its premise of building a nice neat housing development overtop of a cemetery that wasn’t fully moved as the builders promised it would be? What ensued was a very chilling movie plot.

Is it true? Can new homes be haunted?


Before we get too excited, here's some possible explanations to consider:

Sacred ground
Burial site
Site of a previous building that was burned down or saw some kind of horrible event
Antique objects within the home
Reuse of vintage doorknobs or repurposed wood from old sites
Recently dug up geology creating a “mining community” effect
There is a visitation by a lost loved one
The layout of the house is conducive to attracting spirit energy
A person within the home is haunted, not the home
The land has memories of something traumatic such as a stagecoach holdup
New home buyer remorse
Toxic outgassing of chemicals in new materials and paints causing cognitive issues
More WiFi, cable line, higher baseline EMF from high-tech support causing sensitivity

A lot of things can come together to make a new home haunted. I know, it seems impossible, but it's not. We’ve always been told only old historic places have spirits walking the halls. Admittedly, the amount of older homes with ghosts is much much higher than that of new homes. That probably has more to do with cumulative history.

As a psychic, I think that homes can be haunted by the people who have lived there—even while they are still alive. Houses hold memories, release sounds and events (residual) and touching parts of the house, you can feel cumulative events and their lingering emotions. The more families, the more “body” the house has accrued. Should there be arguments, abuse, sickness, pain, murder, death and more, the house captures that in its very fiber. So, older homes do have more hauntings but they don’t have the market cornered.


  1. New home buyer remorse? Huh? Really?

    The vintage doorknob thing is cool. I never really thought about that. Maybe I should go rummage sailing more often. Makes me wonder...

    And did you ever see that episode of "A Haunting" about the home named Summerwind. Freak'n creepy. Imagine if someone built a new home over THAT. Hmmmm... autumn you're giving me some great story ideas.

  2. Grim;
    Go with the ideas and run. Yes, repurposing items for your home definitely brings all their aura with them. As someone who reads objects, I can tell you it's true. I had an inherited a little heirloom that had the most godawful feel to it. I laid it out one time and when people came over, they wondered about it, so they'd pick it up and then put it down right away. It wasn't anything dark or scary looking but no one wanted to touch it. People have the instincts, whether they know it or not. Should hauntings be able to be caused by "seeding" as I've described before, then any object that came in contact with them could carry their spirit. This heirloom had been owned by a bitter nasty old man. Yeah, Summerwind was creepy. I love the narrator on those stories--he makes everything seem so sinister. So far as finding objects, we're very visual so we can like something by looking at it, but definitely give it a good holding, shifting from hand to hand. See if your mood begins to change.

  3. I guess if you are interested in the history of the land you are having your house built on, you can research it. You never know, a cemetery or bloody battle could have existed under the floors of you new home.....nice post, it gives you something to ponder.

  4. I was inspired by the amount of haunted homes in Mesa and I have long suspected it had to do with HoHoKam canals and sure enough when you look up the maps of the canals and locations of the homes with issues--boom! Now, to figure out why. I originally thought maybe the waterways were used for spiritual practices and somehow left residual along the sandy arroyos, but Mesa is also at the foothills of the Superstition Mountains so there could be some geology at work. Of course, there was a settler history there too. You can see--lots of issues. In Chandler, they built a housing development but the city made them keep an itinerant worker's cemetery that was there. So, there's all these new houses built around this little plot of a cemetery. Very creepy.

  5. You grew up in a haunted house, but I grew up in a haunted school...that was once a mansion. It was on the edge of Cheeseman Park in Denver. I went there 1st - 6th and "felt" many a thing there. Never really saw a spirit, never could quite explain it as having experiences (except in my dreams where the ghost that was rumored to live in the attic in real-life haunted me. A mean, scary ghost at that!)

    I loved that old building and loved that school. But I never knew until years later, after it was torn down even, that Spielberg based Poltergeist on that park because of it's history.

    Even back when those houses (many of the grand old mansions still line the park) were new construction (circa late 1800/early 1900), many were haunted by the spirits of those who had been buried in the park. (A former cemetery.) Crazy!

  6. Great post. Anne River Siddon's fist book was The House Next Door, one of the best haunted house stories ever. & the house was new.

  7. neat post! I ALWAYS love old furnishings in houses, & the old woodwork (crown moulding, etc),
    & fancy fireplaces with nice fancy just seems like that stuff seems like it would 'hold onto' old feelings & stuff, you know? & this is why i LOVE antipque stores!!
