Ghost Adventures: Special 90-minute of Poveglia Island, Italy

Kid Rock “Cowoby”

The video this week? As Zak and the boys headed out to Italy and bring us this sweet extended version of their time at Povelgia Island, one of the most amazingly horrific sites ever, I chose the appropriate send-off song, “Cowboy” by Kid Rock.

If you saw the original “Poveglia Island” episode last fall and were entranced by the amazing tragic setting and the super creepy structure, you’ll have a blast seeing this 90-minute extended version with footage we never saw before. Don't forget: Friday night, Travel Channel.

I’m hyped. You know why? 90 minutes of the drinking game and Zak and the gang locked down on the island! Tonight’s drink, in respect for the beautiful setting of Italy, will be Chianti. The rules: One sip for every “dude, “bro” and “man,” and another one for every time Aaron’s mouth comes unhinged in shock and fear.

This is definitely a curled up in your jammies (or other unmentionables), safe and warm kind of watching night.

Happy viewing!


  1. Oh, sweet! I'm so watching this!

    And yeah, I remember Poveglia Island and all the creepy buildings there (and weren't there even body parts in jars in some of them?) from watching an old episode on "The Scariest Places On Earth".

    Did you see they did a special on Zak and the rest of the guys in this season's issue of "Haunted Times" magazine? I just picked it up a few days ago and haven't had the chance to read it yet.

    Can't wait to watch Friday night's episode!

  2. I hadn't seen the magazine. We don't have it on stands near here, but I'll look it up. Sounds interesting. Yeah, when they showed 60 minutes of this last fall, it was quite an episode and it's worth seeing just for Zak in the mask.


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