Paranormal Night Tonight

Tonight’s paranormal TV lineup:

A&E has their “Paranormal State” (or as we like to call it “Paranoid State”) show on with a new episode about: “Church of the Damned” An abandoned Kansas church a family is renovating. This is followed by a repeat episode previously aired.

Following that on the same A&E channel is “Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal” About Mother and daughter psychics team up with teenage sisters to try to solve the puzzle of a mysterious girl ghost at an inn that dates back to the Revolutionary War.

This is followed by more repeat episodes of “Paranormal State.”

In you want to avoid the repeats of “Paranormal State,” switch over to Discovery and watch “Ghost Lab” (or as we like to call it “Ghost Rehab.”) Tonight’s episode is about The USS Lexington, an allegedly haunted WWII carrier, is probed. Also: the team investigates the Ye Kendall Inn in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Happy viewing!


  1. Since it is raining here, a paranormal night just might be what the doctor ordered. I usually don't watch Paranormal State or Psychic Kids but tonight I am make an exception since NCIS is a repeat. I will be watching the good ol' boys of Ghost Lab...Julie

  2. "Ghost Flab" is yet another picked up term. Hee hee. I was out shopping for groceries (madhouse) and I stepped outside and got hit in the eye by a big chunk of hail. It started to hail like mad and I was slipping and sliding to my car. It was amazing!!! Wow! My hubby and son went took the 4-wheel truck up to Flag today--they called on the road and it was flurrying like mad. Lucky guys! I wish I hadn't had to work today!

  3. Paranoid State. Love it.

    Have you ever reviewed them and/or Psychic Kids here on the blog?



  4. Hey D;
    I have reviewed them briefly in the past, but with all the new shows on the docket, I think it's time for me to compare the shows. Thanks for the idea, actually. Bet I can have that up by tomorrow. :-)

  5. I am flabberghasted. I never realized there were so many paranormal shows on television. I've got a certain lineup I watch and never deter...except at this time of the year for the holiday movies. But, I'm going to have to start switching channels more often.

  6. so how was all the viewing? sounds like fun. :)


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