My New Research

I'd like to thank Stephen Cochrane from Connecting the Dots
and Jeff Raynor from Histories, Mysteries, and Strangeness for inspiring a new avenue for my theories on all things paranormal. Like me, they enjoy theories and conjecture, and knocking around ideas.

As you probably know, last summer, I spent a lot of time and effort to find similarities in the physical and historical aspects of haunted places to come up with a haunted formula that gives points for each attribute a site has in order to be considered more likely to be haunted. I got sidetracked in October with the pleasure of short story writing (thanks for being so supportive, you've made me feel confident in my writing skills, as I've not really shared my writing with others before).

Now, we're into a new part of the year and this fall/winter I'd like to concentrate on what I like to call the "supernatural highway," the pathway by which people experience NDEs (near death experiences) OBEs (out of body experiences), psychic readings, premonitions, and haunting experiences. We talk about the supernatural world a lot and most people see it as something of a spiritual nature, but for it to exist in our world for us to perceive it, there has to something of a scientific nature to it, whether it's in brain interpretation or actually a physical manipulation in our world from "its" world.

Whatever this pathway is, I'm going to begin to investigate it in my posts. My next one should focus on something I know very well, psychometry, or the reading of objects. I'm going to attempt to explain the precise way I gather information from an object and how it's seen within my mind. I might even attempt to sketch up some pictures so you can see inside my jumbled up head... (not for those who scare easily-hee hee).

I hope you like the turn my personal research is going and I really count on your input, like Jeff and Stephen above, to give me other views, other ideas, other information that might be relevant and challenging.


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