Ghost Hunters Gossip

I won't copy the article about an interview Donna from "Ghost Hunters" and "Ghost Hunters International" had recently, but I will give you the link. Feel free to discuss it.


  1. Yeah, I can imagine the contracts Pilgrim wanted to use--they make a lot of bucks out of using not-actors who want to get famous.

  2. Here is the radio interview but I warn you, the whine coming out of these two women is nauseating. I even tried to adjust things in my bass and treble but no way. I lasted about 30 minutes. Whiney, moany, groany.

    The Diva Radio Interview

  3. Thanks for the link. Yeah, not tolerable. Amazing that they could get Donna to spill her guts, but maybe she figured no one would hear her over top of the others...

  4. Not having ever been able to watch the show regularly-I was wondering what most people think of Donna?
    Is what she said about Brian true?
    (the mental abuse)
    I am just asking because these people aren't near as familiar to me as I imagine they are to many of you. It does sound like those whiny women ruined some of this talking and whining about stupid things.
    thanks for bringing this up Autumnforest!! the article was an interesting read either way-I will have to see what others say about it to get a better idea of what is going on
    thanks again my friend and keep up the fantastic work on your blog-and congratulations again on your recent milestones!!

  5. Hey Dev;
    Donna was the original coordinator for the team the first several seasons. She was a friend of Grant's who joined the team. She is very warm and personable and tender-hearted. She was the ideal scheduler, interviewer, and go-between for home owners and the team. She never seemed to fit into a ghost hunting group, but she was willing to fill the role. I believe, from what I recall, she had a regular job and this was something she had to do on the side, sometimes not able to go with them on the road to some gigs because she couldn't get away from her job. She joined the "Ghost Hunters International" team when they started it. We weren't quite sure why she opted to join it. I wondered if they wanted someone new on their team here in the States or if she offered to go on the road. She did one season with them and quit supposedly because of a flare-up of Crohn's, but something about it seemed kind of odd. It wasn't handled very well and she was never spoken of again and for an original team member, that's kinda strange. Brian was a troubled member of the team who always seemed to have personal issues and had a tendency to lie or simply be dysfunctional. He was sort of treated like the "Gilligan" of the team and knocked around and not taken seriously. He thought everything was a ghost and was kind of flimsy on his personal reports of what he saw and heard. Honestly, he left the team and came back, at one time they made him sign a contract of good behavior, and eventually they put him on the International team and then he just went away after a season. The same with Andy. He was actually a good debunker but had a personality that was kind of...well, douchie. He left after about a season of International too. I wondered if it was just them being on planes nonstop doing the show that made them fade off, but they eventually added another woman who quickly left, as well. Jeez, it's hard to keep up with that team. Really, they've stuffed another of their regular guys from the states onto the team, Joe. He's a totally likable guy and I think a true hunter--he's not frightened, he's bright, and he's one of those types who seems to attract action--certain people are blessed that way. I hope they don't lose him. They have amazing locations around the world that hunters would kill to go to, but as of yet they have totally crappy evidence, so they don't really impress. Well, hope that caught you up. When I see people jumping ship on a team, I know one of two things happened: 1. They have no gigs set up to hunt. 2. The leader(s) have ego issues and bossiness that's causing others to feel like whipping boys. We know GH doesn't have the former, so....

  6. Sounds like she is a bit bitter and trusted a crappy lawyer. On the other hand, that lawyer was probably recommended by Pilgrim and being new on TV, she didn't know not to trust him. There a definately two sides here.

  7. You never really know what's truly going on. I think I'd be suspicious if she were the only one to jump ship, but GHI lost her, Brian, Andy, the dark-haired chick that barely worked there, and I right--wasn't there another chick who left quickly too who had worked under Robb? He keeps bringing in his own folks and they keep leaving which makes me wonder what's going on. Guess we'll never know the whole truth, but it kind of reminds me of rock bands before they go under and keep trying to find new lead singers, ex. Van Halen. Not a good sign.

  8. I'm guessing it's a matter of a woman scorned.

  9. Thanks for the great link. I think it is kind of weird to have interviews retracted--not even superstars get that kind of action. I have no idea what prompted Donna to come out of the closet like that and start talking about her GH times. She should have just remained out of the picture. Whenever I decide to do something, I always stop and ask myself what I hope to achieve. If she did the interview to let off steam and tell her side, well, she got her wish. If she had a book coming out and wanted to promote it, then good for her. If she hoped to make them take her back or somehow admit to things they'd done, that was definitely not the venue. She brought herself back out into the public light again and that means all it entails. When she left the show,I was admittedly concerned for her. That disease is a really awful one to have and I hoped she'd be right back up on the show as soon as she did a course of steroids of whatever else they needed to get her back in shape again. When she didn't show up again and no one talked about her, it seemed rather ominous. After all, she had been the female center of the show for so long, it was weird for her to evaporate. I thought there must be hard feelings on both sides if neither was talking about her.

  10. Hey thanks for your comment! My wardrobe is full of goal clothes!! And luckily some of them are the next size down. - hopefully I can start wearing some of them soon! :-D

  11. Thanks for the heads-up on this, Autumn. Meseems that I've missed nothing at all in this wreck (dreck?) of a show. Now? I'll never tune in, ever. It's kinda like that charlatan, Dr James Starlight's blog. Hello? I'm just wondering when he's gonnagive himself away, if he already hasn't by what he's written.

    Enjoying a cable-less TV,
    Anadæ Effro (•8-D}

    PS ~ Hah, hah, hah! My word verification for this is emagrite. We have GOT to emagrite this type of televised yellow journalism for better paranormal activity investigations programming, otherwise those NOT in the Gno will tune in for the cat fights & hissy fits, as the show in point seems to capitalize on. Ugh.

  12. Do you have a theory on dear Dr. Starlight? I'd love to hear it! Admittedly, the first few seasons of the show were really exciting because I thought I was the only one out there not using Ouija boards, mediums, and seances, but trying to capture genuine phenomenon and uncover explainable events. Had it been done by PBS with scientists on the team, a geologist, psychologist, meteorologist, and physicist--it would be a real dream!

  13. Hah! Whoa, definitely! One of these days, they will. PBS or the Discovery Channel, TLC or the Nat'l Geographic one. Heaven it'd be, wouldn't it? As for James Starlight. Sigh. It's a blog written at our expense based on a fictional character, WHICH SEE! ~ (•8-P

  14. That's funny! I admit that from the first time I ran into that blog, I felt a prickling fear that I was being totally scammed. I suspected it was a writer hoping to feel out the paranormal writers and their blogs, then I thought it was perhaps someone being amused by seeing how much he could sound insane and then keep us coming back to test us. It's bothered me from the first, but I admit that when there was a long period of no writing on it, I signed off as a follower. Then, he suddenly wrote again and I thought--I wanna know what he's up to--I know he's pulling us around. So, I became a follower again just to see what he might blurt out next. I never thought he was insane, but I definitely thought his story didn't link together into anything cohesive so I knew it was a scam. Hee hee

  15. Thanks for answering the question Autumnforest !! I really appreciate it as someone also who is a crappy typist -that wouldve taken me some time:-) but now I feel I understand a lot more about Donna and Brian and the backstory to a lot of this in general -i enjoyed reading the other comments too!! all the best in the world to you and thanks again!!

  16. I'm on Donna's side. I think she probably got taken, and who wouldn't be a bit disgruntled about that? Esp. when you thought certain people were your friends, but when it comes down to it they're only watching out for themselves. Also, I believe she wouldn't have known a good entertainment lawyer from a bad one. And honestly back when she was first signing on how would they have known how big GH would get? She probably inherently trusted J&G after years of investigating with them, so why would she question contracts? They'd be viewed as a formality. I think she's a victim of naivety and just not being sophisticated enough to deal with the legal and entertainment side of things. However, I don't think GH (or at least the producers and such) are as up and up as they lead viewers to believe. I'm working on a "Haunted or Hype?" article and some of the info I've turned up...sad. J&G might have been kept in the dark, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, but not all is as it seems with the production end of this show. Unfortunately. However, in the end...all of this translates to publicity, which Scifi's gotta love! 'cause you know that old saying: there is no such thing as bad publicity. As long as people are talking about them, GREAT!

  17. Courtney;
    I totally agree. I think the sad thing is taking any team that was doing it for all the right reasons and then marketing them. Suddenly, they're not hunting evidence, they're providing entertainment. That's just wickedly wrong. Like I always say, if they do a reality show with a physicist, meteorologist, geologist, and psychiatrist together, I'd be thrilled to see what they come up with ghost-wise. I suspect that to protect their own professional reputations, they'd be pretty discriminating because they have a name to uphold before and after the show in their industries.

  18. I am going to use your statement about including a true "team" of all sorts of people with various backgrounds in yet another article I'm writing. But I also wanted to share this link to Javier Ortega's take on all of this (from GhostTheory). I liked how he scolds Scifake for what ultimately amounts to bad and irresponsible journalism.

    Donna Lacroix & Scifake Backtracking


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