Dark Christmas: Cheap Unique Gifts For Geeks and Freaks

Let me make this easy for you. We’re all on a budget. Hell, even those who are well padded are on a budget these days. It’s become the “in” thing. But, it doesn’t have to kill your Christmas. Just because you have nerds and goths on your list, doesn’t mean you have to buy expensive computer components and pricey video games. They are quite happy to get a gift that says “I totally get you.” (They so rarely feel that way, and I know because I am one).

These nerdishly delightful gifts will cover all kinds of nerds from SciFi to Steampunk, from goth to Dungeons and Dragons. The great news? They’re all under $20! In fact, I have my eye on, well, all of them!

For the World of Warcraft computer addicted type: Gargoyle Computer Buddy (photo above) He clings to the edge of your computer screen and taunts you to do your work with his sinister glare $14.95

For the goth dark one who doesn’t like humanity:
Raven Lunatic T-shirt. It is gray with a simple black raven and “Raven Lunatic” written below $16.95

For the full-out Star Trek geek:Star Trek Uniform T-Shirts. These come in authentic colors for “engineering,” “science,” and “command”). $19.95

For the zombie movie aficionado who already owns all the movies:

Book “Zombie Movies The Ultimate Guide." This tells you all you didn’t know about your zombie movies $15.61

For the Larper’s or (Live Action Role Players):Elven ears: These realistic elf ears can make them look like their buddies in the game. $15

For the science geek: Space age ant farm: This isn't your old fashioned sand one the ants tunnel through space age gel.

For the earth-loving Wiccans:
Celtic Tree Necklace: A beautiful necklace with lush nature feel to it. (photo above) $13.95

For the anime types: Kawaii sushi tote bag: This is a cute natural-toned tote bag with cute sushi and the word “sushi” on it. $17

For the graphic novel freak: DVD “30 Days of Night." This is a chilling movie based on the graphic novel with the visual feel of a gothic novel. $9.99

For the lovers of vampires: Vampire wine: A simple black bottle of wine with the word “vampire” on the label—should set the mood. (photo above) $10.95

For the medieval freak: Jester shelf: An adorable wall shelf held up by a court jester—definite double-take in any home office. $18

For the fairy lover: Book: Fairy Houses and Beyond. A magical book about tiny constructed houses made of natural things like twigs and such for fairies—will inspire fantasies and garden design. $15


  1. Thanks for posting these. I knew there would be some kooky stuff for Christmas to feed our paranormal appetites, lol. I would love to find some Tru*Blood in a bottle for sale just to give it a taste.

  2. If you click on the vampire wine site, they have a lot vampire stuff like that, including other vampire wines.

  3. Wow!! what great suggestions!!
    I even liked the scary gargoyle type thing on the left -and I have the vaguest notion of what "World of warcraft" is altho i have met many addicted fans of it on the web!! the Celtic Tree is beautiful and awesome-I would love to get that for my mom-really really great ideas as always Aututumnforest-all the best!!

  4. Love the list and the Star Trek T-shirt. Check out my blog for a goofy Leonard Nimoy video I found.

  5. Sandra;
    I will definitely check that!

  6. Cool post! I'm planning on doing something similar for my Black Friday post. (And maybe whatever they call the Monday after Thanksgiving...)

    Oh, and for Julie, here's something...Bag of Blood http://www.orientaltrading.com/ui/browse/processRequest.do?sku=25/3517&requestURI=processProductsCatalog ($4.99/dozen!)


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