Ghost Adventures: Mark Your Calendar!

(Are they cutting a new album? Cause this art work would be bitchin on a CD cover!)

The Travel Channel family sent me some posters for their kickoff of the Halloween episode of “Ghost Adventures.” If you don’t know these 3 guys by now, I’d be shocked. Admittedly, I’m having my Halloween party on Friday the 30th, but I’m definitely taping the live episode of the show. The location is much too irresistible. Even if they had no equipment and were just sitting there silently for a bunch of hours, there has to be activity. The reason? I think their location, Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, is very likely the most haunted place in America. To prove my point, I’m reprinting my findings when I worked on my Haunted Formula. This place I put at #1. Here’s the repost:

I admit, in compiling the list of 50 places in order, finding out their physical attributes and histories that might lend them to be more haunted, the #1 spot was so significant, I couldn't stop blinking.

For those of you following my research to find common physical traits between haunted sites, you’re probably aware that I just finished the first part of the research. I found something so astonishing, I just had to share it asap.

Taking into account the physical features and the history of a haunted site, I’ve come to the conclusion that the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum should be the most haunted place in America.

That’s quite a big statement, but here’s how it works out:

The top types of geology found in the most haunted sites (according to my research) are; limestone, granite, quartz, shale, and sandstone (in that order). This site has three! The most important feature to the structure itself is that it is stone. This is one of the largest hard cut stone buildings in America! That mass of stone makes what could only be described as an hermetic seal for hauntings. For a true haunting, it’s essential it has a history of death/trauma and this asylum has it many times over. Haunted places nearly always have a running waterway nearby? This one does. It even has a cemetery on the grounds—extra points! And, even though I’ve decided not to include train tracks nearby as part of the formula, coincidentally, there are nearby train tracks.

Taking into consideration the massive stone structure, the geology of the land, running water, cemetery, and death/trauma involved, this is probably the pinnacle of conditions for a serious haunting.

This site is admittedly way above the others on the list of 50 haunted sites I researched. It is entirely possible there is another site that I didn’t have on my list that could have all these elements and more, but I’ll admit I doubt it. This particular “alchemy” is an amazing find.


  1. I hope it's an interesting episode.

  2. You know, I think with that location, they can't go wrong. I'm going to check that day and see if there's geomagnetic activity--that would really make it the most perfect formula for activity.

  3. Hi! I was wondering if you might be interested in filling a slot or two that I still have open for either a guest blog or a Haunted Tour? Or both?

    If you're into it, shoot me off an email and we'll get the details set!

    mrsbbradley (at) gmail (dot) com


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