Zombie Walks and Pillow Fights!

In my quest to live in a world that is spontaneous, fun, and doesn't take itself too seriously, my favorite addition to the mad world of nerds, geeks, and freaks, are the spontaneous zombie walks that take place in selected cities. I see them on YouTube all the time and lament that we need them in conservative and backwards Phoenix, Arizona. And, yeah, they do apparently have them here from time to time as I found out on this fantastic site. What better way to shake up a city? If you never do anything wild and bizarre, consider donning some pale makeup and tattered clothing and join the group in your city! I promise to take pictures when we have one here and I get to join it!

On another note, there have also been spontaneous pillow fights in the streets. You can't watch this film (above) without laughing your head off. There's something so mad about people just letting it out like children in the streets rebelling against the folks in the high rises around them.

This phenomenon of modern times is called a flashmob. According to Wikipedia, it's "a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief time, then quickly disperse."

According to me, it's just the kind of world I want to live in--one with colors, smiles, and silliness to cut through the mundane, routine, and bland life of day-to-day. It's almost like a little happy group of standup comedians reminding us our mouths can curve up as much as they can curve down.

Bless you, flashmobs, keep it going!


  1. OMG!! This was wonderful Autumnforest!! I am going to save those to faves on u tube-I had no idea about this -the Zombie Walk was freaking hilarious -haha when they went by the In-n Out burger, the Bunny, and that group singing-the Pillow Fight was awesome too-we could so use something like this in Phoenix-haha would love to see what a "Zombie Walk" would do in Mesa -especially during "Snow Bird" season:)!! with my back out sometimes I have almost a natual zombie walk -I could even take my cane haha!! thanks again and all the best to you and yours!!

  2. Devin;
    Glad to make you smile. My son introduced me to it. We both are madly in love with Portland and want to move there, so he follows the culture. That's when he discovered zombie walks and flash pillow fights. What a fantastic idea! I definitely plan to join the one in Phoenix when they have it. I love the idea of messing with the crazy conservatives, religious nuts, and stuffy yuppies here. They're thinking of doing it on the light rail in Tempe, but that wouldn't be as fun as walking around downtown and messing with folks or even hitting Superstition Springs mall during the winter--hee hee. I'm going to have my stuff ready to rush out the door when I hear about it. My son is a filmmaker, so I know he wants to go and film these events. That's film that will definitely go onto my blog when I do it! I work out about 60-90 minutes every single day desperately wanting to see what a 40-something body can look like when I'm living optimally. I'm not heinous, but I haven't spent a lot of time on myself like I should. It's always hard when you're an ex-model. I thought I was fat when I was underweight! (I hope to put a picture of me on the blog when I hit goal--in a bikini--gives me an embarrassing goal!) If I sit and rest for any period of time, everything gels and I get up walking like a stick figure. I think I can recreate it for the walk, so there's an upside to this pain and torture. You can do the walk and I bet you can do the zombie groan. This might be a crowd that's a great fit; snubbing the establishment, riling folks up, and shuffling around the streets. Viva la zombies! :-)

  3. that's way cool!
    It reminds me of the group of 111 shirtless men that went into an Ambercrombie and Fitch store.
    Check out improveverywhere.com for more flash mob fun.

  4. Sandra;
    Yeah, I love the one where the people all work blue polos and went into Best Buy.

  5. Libby;
    Try www.zombiewalk.com Below they list the states and what's going on in them. Maybe you'll get lucky.

  6. They needed extras for a zombie movie they were filming here in TN over the weekend. (At a drive-in no less. I thought that'd be cool!)Trouble was I found out about it the day of and the location was too far for me to get to in time.

    And I've heard of those flashmobs and always thought what a hoot that'd be!

    Again, you came up with another awesome post. (Don't be surprised if I reference this one, kay? Once again you've inspired me!)

  7. Courtney;
    Continue to check out www.zombiewalk.com and see if they get one near you. It's something I have at the top of my "must do" list.


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