Thursday, June 18, 2009

Haunted Kitchen???

During my studies for the haunted formula, I’ve come across a funny question, but I had to take it quite seriously because part of its answer helps me define my own haunted formula:

If I renovate my kitchen and use granite, can I expect the kitchen to be haunted?

So far in my studies, which are probably 1/3 of the way done, I’ve come to a few conclusions about geology and its effects on hauntings. Most of the more traditional hauntings seem to be linked to limestone and shale (the super-haunted) and sandstone, schist, and other sedimentary rock for others. Most of the poltergeist-like activity is associated with granite and quartz. Lastly, volcanic rock seems to such young rock that it’s not associated with much in the way of hauntings, but it’s debatable about it having a tie-in with strange physical phenomenon in the land such as Marfa Lights and Skinwalker Ranch.

How do I answer the question of the kitchen? A few ways: I am a big proponent of feng shui principles, so I say the use of any material can affect the way the house feels overall to the people living in it. Can it become haunted by using granite countertops? Highly doubtful. In my way of viewing it, if your house sits atop a shelf of granite it's getting its powering through a base to the earth that is large and dense. A granite countertop sitting atop cabinetry isn’t going to be a huge dense mass. It would be intriguing to find out if people in historic old homes with a history of death in them, redo their countertops and find their kitchen gets more haunting than usual. However, I remain doubtful that it wouldn’t be because of general renovations which often kick up activity.

Things are starting to show some real patterns in my research. If anyone out there wants to give a lending hand, let me know. I’m looking for someone who’d like to map out early Native American settlements around the US, copy a map of the US fault lines, and help review evidence from haunted sites to help give them a haunted rating. It’d be great to have someone or some people to pass around the research and see what they can tie together--more heads thinking about it.

Oh yeah, and on the train tracks research, I really have been skeptical about it, feeling as though it’s an incidental finding, but I can’t shake the sensation that there’s actually something to it. Even though tracks are likely to go to towns that depended long ago on them for travel, many of these haunted locales are near rural tracks, often times the only track cutting through an entire county!

Thanks so much for following!


  1. I found the enclosures outside of the Crystal Cathedral wrapped with marble pillars extremely haunted. It could be an attraction to cold marble.

    As well, there is a mausoleum in Long Beach that I would frequent (eerie fun stuff inside) and it has solid marble floors and also marble pillars as well as a lot of granite. Mega hauntings in there too.

    I like to roam inside of big mausoleums - the kind that are open and humongous walk areas wider than a high school hallway.

    Here is a good example of what I mean by a big mausoleum

    Not this kind though, these are boring

  2. Oh yes, that's gorgeous. When you put marble/granite/stone on the ground and into pillars that make up the building, I believe you're doing much the same as when a place has a stone foundation or is a stone building. It seems that the connection between earth to building needs to be made and obviously a kitchen counter wouldn't do that. You're totally right about that. I don't think it's a coincidence the way people feel at large stone monuments too.

  3. It could be a crystal thing too. I can simply hold crystals and feel something special in my hand from the crystal. An energy of sorts.

    I'm not into crystals though - ya know, the ole match the crystal up to what ails you kinda thing. lol I like thinking about what I just ate last instead. :)

  4. Admittedly, as someone who reads objects, I was a small child when I would pronounce that stones are alive. Everyone would laugh and say they aren't, but just because something doesn't take in a fuel source or breathe, to say it isn't alive is rather wrong. After all, rocks to evolve. Those volcanic rocks eventually become things like quartz with enough pressure. I know that when I hold a rock/crystal, I can feel a great deal of stored memory. It's a weird kind of thing. I used to teach people how to read objects first by using crystals. You can hold them while doing a pleasant activity and then later on hand them to someone and they get the same feelings. It seems to be a fantastically easy source of transferance.

  5. Holy cow, that's actually a really good question and the way you approached it with the view "there are no dumb questions" just goes to show how open-minded you are. Which again leads me to believe you might uncover some really big things because you allow yourself to be open to all kinds of possibilities! I really enjoy following your writing and thought processes for this reason!

    That said...we're thinking of redoing our cttps to granite. I wouldn't mind them being haunted if the ghost helped clean up!!!! ;)

    Seriously though, I'm glad you address such things as this. Very interesting. This is how discoveries are made!!!

  6. Courtney;
    Thanks. Clean ghosts--we gotta figure out how to encourage them to approach (I'd like one that grocery shops and runs the chores in the 110-degree heat), myself.

    I like to think I'm open-minded. That's probably why I have a ghost hunting theories site. I really beleive there's something valid in most viewpoints and you have to pick out the stuff that might be based on something tangible. I admit I'm not real open-minded at the concept of possession or evil as an entity but then I believe that kind of thing is more based in the brain than the environment.

    I'm excited to see where all this research leads. I might find other factors along the way was I research the actual accounts of hauntings at these places. I'm looking for similarities in the phenomenon compared to the environment too. From there, we might be able to come up with more theories.

    Most of all, I love having smart people like yourself who write in and share ideas and concepts too. Brainstorming is what gets this done.

    p.s. Good luck with the re-do. I'd love to use concrete with crushed sea shells myself for the countertops but hubby is rather old-fashioned about materials, so granite it might be... At least I know it's probably not going to enhance the house except to be pretty.
