I've never heard of this interesting estate, so when I pulled it from a hat, I was shrugging. I'm not certain how many ghost hunting groups might have found evidence there, so I was doubtful. A beautiful, place, though. Adelicia Hayes Franklin Acklen Cheatham in the 1800s had six children and all of them died. It's unclear from any records I can find, if they died in this home (it was their summer home). Reports are of her apparition, but she did not die there, so that makes me want to give it a big fat zero for death.
Here's how it scores:
1. Sandstone land.
2. Stone construction.
3. Over 50 years.
No waterways, railroad tracks, or reports of actual death in the home. A 3/6 on my scale would give it a chance to be haunted in the future, should it have death/trauma but as it is a museum now, I'd have to say--no chance of haunting based on physicality.
As I wrap up my research, I hope to be able to see how much weight having death/trauma has on a scoring. Surprisingly, I think it is possible for a place to be haunted by events as well as death and trauma, but it still needs the right physical location. I hope to expand to looking at aquifers and fault lines too before I get the final formula for presentation.
Keep watching--each day a few more until we're done this week and onto the next phase.
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