Does DNA Hold Memories?

(above, 1916 wedding of grandmother and grandfather Thorvaldsen)

What if everything you ever did, ever experienced was somehow locked into your DNA and passed to future generations? A kind of collective knowledge that makes successive generations more intelligent?

Contemplate it in this article.

I was plagued many times by the ability to picture things before encountering them. I always discounted this ability because of my psychic talents, but occasionally there is something so strange that I can’t help but wonder if I get the knowledge by other means. Such as, my grandfather fell through an ice fishing hole in Norway as a child, he floated around beneath the surface and somehow magically popped back up in the same hole (thankfully—it was the only hole in the ice!) I didn’t know about this event until I was well into adulthood when the subject of ice came up, but I always had a strange fear when in water that something would come down over the water and seal me in. A very bizarre fear. Most folks fear sharks or riptides. I feared a clear plate of glass…

My father told me the story of his childhood. He was from Norway. Apparently, his father was part of a family who owned a huge iron works. My grandfather spoke many languages and was well educated. He was to be married to a society lady when they hired some maids from Sweden. My grandmother, Marta, came to work at the estate from her home in the Lapland region of Sweden. Grandfather took one look at her and refused to marry his society girl. He and grandmother married soon after. When WWI happened, the family couldn’t sell iron to Germany, so they shaped it into church bells to get it through, but eventually they were caught. The family business dissolved. Grandfather and grandmother came to America in search of a new life in California and adopted a new name from “Thorvaldsen” to “Day.” (They actually used the judge’s name because they couldn’t come up with a simple American name). Apparently, grandma became homesick and they went back to Norway for a few years where my father spent his early childhood, and then they came back to America via Ellis Island the second and last time.

All that background being said, I had a dream one time that I was in a stable. It looked like one of the ones you see in a European film, very rustic. The smells and plants were different and it didn’t feel like America. A man was brushing a horse and talking to me in a foreign language. Somehow, I knew what he was saying. He was talking about reincarnation. I scoffed at what he was saying but somehow understood each word and contemplated them long after the discussion. When I woke up, I thought it was the silliest dream ever.

Then, during one of our family dinner table discussions we talked about our horses we boarded and I thought, “maybe that’s where I got the dream?” but still, it didn’t feel quite the same as our own stables and horses. I mentioned the dream and my father asked me to go into detail. I did and he lit up with an expression that was complete and total shock. He told me a story of how his father had a stable attendant who believed in reincarnation and used to tell him stories of it. My grandfather over the years had come to believe in reincarnation because of the man’s compelling stories. This was not a story my father had ever told anyone. He had forgotten about it all together.

That was one of many such glimpses into my grandparent’s lives. From knowing just which house was my mother’s when she was born when we drove down a roadway to having dreams in French (a language apparently grandfather preferred to Norwegian), I have wondered about the possibility that DNA does more than give you preferences. Such as, my son wasn’t around my mother growing up, but he uses the same eyebrow raising and hand gestures when talking that are identical to mother’s. Perhaps DNA is altered by settings and conditions, diet and lifestyle, and many other factors that make it possible to pass on a kind of pattern that does more than choose eye color or virility.

Perhaps DNA could carry historic information, a subtle way of ensuring what happened to your elders doesn’t happen to you.

While I was researching my genealogy from mother’s Fraser family from Scotland to grandmother’s potential Saami history from Sweden, I was sent a photo in the mail from a relative.The photo my relative sent me was the wedding photo of grandmother and grandfather in Norway. What shocked me the most was the room! When father talked of his father’s childhood home, I saw paintings hanging way up on the wall so high, they were way above people’s heads. It made no sense. My mother was an artist, we knew that you hang at eye level. I also had always envisioned some kind of dark ornate curtains around a doorway opening with panels and emblems that looked very official, like royalty. The photo above (bad quality, recopied many times) shows just that room! I know I am psychic, so it’s entirely possible I zoned in on the room when he spoke of it. There’s no way to truly verify if my DNA had memories or my psychic mind had opened a portal. My logical mind says that, since my father never witnessed the room and didn't know of the picture's existence (the photo came into the family after he passed on), I couldn't have heard about it from him or picked it up psychically from him. Also, my grandfather died long before I was even born, as did grandmother. I had no exposure to that family to hear about the home or its decorations. So, how could I psychically read it with no reference that existed during my time period???

Still, I hear from others that they have influences from grandparents who died long before they were born and others who have dreams of places and situations they couldn’t have dreamed up while awake.

It intrigues me to think that perhaps part of my experience here will help guide subconsciously the generations to come. It certainly makes a good case for overcoming phobias and making peace with others while here.


  1. Lots of interesting tid bits in this one. First of all, we know that DNA can be changed during our life time and then those changes are reproduced in a new living being obviously. We'll know soon enough with all of the discoveries on DNA. I've read quite a few recently on changes of the genomes in childhood due to events in their life so anything goes. Pay attention to this man Michael J. Meaney. That's sort of his research field. Google anything you can find on him in regard to DNA and genomes in your search.

    The following has nothing to do with DNA but just the same, it's an event that I relive when I think about it but....well, you'll see.

    This one is eerie but imagine if such could be done for everyone.

    My family and I went to visit my grandfather at his farm in Fox Lake, IL. I had only met him once that I remember even though my mom said she used to take us there when we were babies.

    The day after arriving, my sister and I were standing just off the road near the corn field. My grandfather had just shown us how to put a feather (probably turkey) in the end of the dried up corn and throw it up into the air and watch it twirl. I remember this very well because I was having so much fun. I was maybe 5 years old. Could have been 4.

    Years passed, my grandfather died who I hadn't seen since and occasionally I would recall my sister and I throwing corn up into the air with the feather. I would just remember the thought because there were no pictures to go with it.

    What is so odd about this incident is that later in life when I thought about it, I suddenly saw the pictures that went with the event. The real odd thing is that I'm seeing 'me' (in my picture) throwing the corn up in the air. What I mean to say is that the picture I get in my head when I think about it, is that of watching myself throwing the corn as if I'm standing behind me.

    I can still see it today just like it was 50 some years ago. I also see my sister throwing this corn into the air as well.

    Well, I know I can't possibly do this and nobody else but my grandfather was around watching us so I'm thinking that maybe, possibly, it is my grandfather showing the event to me in my mind. He could have even been one to 'prompt' the thought 'about throwing the corn' to begin with, and it's his memory I'm seeing and not my own. Weird huh?

    I also see myself running around a beautiful maypole as a small child.

    Family Trees:) This ones a big coincadink.

    I've been doing mine for years. Scotland here as well. I'm a Nesbitt. Family left Edinburgh, Scotland for Ireland (a few areas in Ireland) then off to Canada in the 1890's. Then off to Wisconsin & eventually Chicago, Illinois.

    Other side of family is Buckheit. Denmark, to Sweden to Germany to New York (Ellis Island). Settled in Fox Lake and met up with the Nesbitts then moved to Chicago too, which is where I was born.

  2. A great post. I too find it hard to imagine that the synchronicities of lives would be governed by DNA alone. But what a beautiful harmony of happenings that is.

  3. A very interesting article. It gives me something to think about and i really like the picture.

  4. A very interesting post and subject. You have a wonder way of writing and putting things into words. I'm more of a rookie when it comes to writing blogs but always willing to learn how to express myself in a better way. I am doing lots of research on my family's genealogy and have found that many of my past relatives did some fasinating things or participated in historical events. I would like to know more about this.......Julie


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