Saturday, February 11, 2017

The World We Do Not See

If we go back to the times of the Black Plague, we are reminded of how man was confused as to what was killing off people and how it was happening. There was an entire unseen world. And this unseen world was so powerful, it could kill a person even though we could not see it without a microscope. 

Microbes aside, there are many unseen worlds we are discovering and ones we hope to find ways to discover. We may not have a "microscope" yet to pick up some of these things, but we can see effects and assume there is a cause we do not yet know how to define. After all, a phenomenon like the Plague was eventually answered by the discovery of bacteria. Imagine what things we call "phenomenon" today that will later be called "science." 

Let's take a look - 

Quantum camera image

Some recent photography done with unusual cameras yielded unusual results. In the picture below, a quantum camera took a photo of a toy soldier, not using light, but capturing the photons bouncing off the object. (LINK)

What makes this intriguing is that photons that were not present and bouncing off the toy soldier, but photons a distance away that were quantum entangled with those photons bouncing off the toy were the ones that created the image. They were not interacting with the soldier themselves, but their entangled photons were and giving them instantaneous information. 

Imagine if one were to use a quantum camera in a haunted setting. Do you suppose photons may react to a body of energy in the room and show us the results through their entangled photons imaging?

Utilizing a charge-couple device (CCD) camera, scientists were able to discern that humans have bioluminescence. It's a low-level glow our eyes cannot see. Scientists were able to detect and record *biophotons from plants and humans. (LINK)
*Biophotons are photons of light in the ultraviolet and low visible light range that are produced by a biological system.

Perhaps the biggest unseen world is the one that handles what we call "ghosts." We hope upon occasion to capture one on a photograph or audio, but it is still a very unreliable and extremely rare occurrence. 

What we are missing is the means by which these things can be detected. Like the people of the Middle Ages succumbing to the Plague, we are baffled how this is happening, how to make it happen, how to stop it, and what can be done. We are lacking a scope to view it, watch it, name it and process it. 

The closest we have come yet to understanding our unseen world is to listen to the stories of those who have encountered it with great clarity, those who reached near-death and came back.  

This is an extremely powerful video and likely to have good deal of impact on the viewer. This is an awakening - someone who saw the unseen world and came back to tell us about it with our limited understanding of our universe - 

Just remember - that flashlight beam is your awareness....

**Tomorrow's post is "Designing Paranormal Experiments"**

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