Monday, September 19, 2011

Real Life Zombie Horror!


There is a Russian drug called "Krokodil" that is a synthetic homemade opiate many times more powerful than heroin. You think the drug biz is a disgusting thing--this is as bad as it gets. It not only makes the mind into a zombie, but it also eats the flesh of the user.

Photographs of late-stage krokodil addicts are disturbing in the extreme. Flesh goes grey and peels away to leave bones exposed. People literally rot to death.

Scary, huh? Sometimes, real life is much more horrifying than fiction.


  1. Oh my God! That horrific! Makes you wonder how long till we have the real Zombie Apocalypse.

  2. Ew! That's pretty gruesome, even for you.

  3. I thought it was so horrifying, it made any horror fiction I could write seem rather weak.

  4. Yeah, drugs are insane in general. I like life with all the technicolors it comes with naturally which includes highs, lows, and all in betweens. I want to feel it. I want to earn it. I want to master it. I've seen a lot of people start addictions to "deal" with issues and the secondary issue (the addiction) is so much worse than the primary issue (bad relationship, bad job, bad childhood). Hopefully, this kind of extreme makes us rethink what we're escaping from, it's not the world, it's our own dark thoughts.

  5. oh god I can see her bone... bleh...

  6. Yeah. Doesn't make you too hungry for chicken or ribs, huh? Yikes!

  7. horrifying as it is i hate to see drug abuses in torment and wish that addiction could be ablosihed completly

  8. Oh...I have seen this before and ewww! I can not imagine needing a fix so bad that I was willing to let my skin fall off.

  9. ewww, just eww. The sad thing is people won't learn from this and they'll continue to use. So sad.

  10. wow, that is just insane. i suppose i just don't understand what compels people to destroy themselves like this. unreal.

    PS. I live in a haunted house. it doesn't really totally freak me out but sometimes it is a little unsettling. Dog barking at nothing, my kid sees shadows. hair pulling ocassionally, etc.. etc.. just strange stuff.

    a medium offered to come to my home, and honestly I am curious to discover what it is that is guest in my home. but i don't want to disturb what seems to be fairly harmless.

    to call or not?....hmmm. i dunno.

    also, i like ur blog- very cool. i follow now.

    ty~ b

  11. LB;
    Glad you like it. I would want to take into consideration your own belief system in afterlife and any religious concerns before considering bringing in a medium. The same for ghost hunting teams. I have a post coming up on this subject, but essentially ghost hunters are doing the exact same as a medium, they call on ghosts to act out and make sounds and contact. So, any direct confrontation with activity could stir it up, but in general this is short-lived. Once the "instigators" leave, things go back to baseline. If, however, you are Catholic or perhaps raised in a religion with strong guidelines about communication with the other side, then you might not want to play with it. So long as nothing bad is happening, your house might just be a place with energy that is as of yet unnamed. It could be ghostly and it could be geologic conditions or even factors of Feng Shui. I'd want to know the places in the house where activity is strongest, look for electrical issues and if it's in a crowded, dark, cramped area--and open it up and shed light and it's gone.
