Friday, May 20, 2011

Lonely on a Friday Night: Join Us!

I'm in all evening. Chit Chat as you wish. I'll know if you check in. :-)


  1. Hey, I refuse to leave unless it's the zombie apocalypse and then I'm putting up a big fight. Besides, I refuse to go without getting laid. Everyone should be getting screwed tonight.

  2. It will probably be exceptionally quiet here then. :)

  3. Haha. I'm with ya, buddy. So, how's writing going?

  4. I'm waiting for a response on one proposal, and I'm finishing up a little mini-roleplaying game that I may give away for free. I'll make up my mind when I finish the thing middle of next week.

    When I'm done with a quickie bit of editing/rewriting I agree to do [also middle of next week, if zombies aren't roaming the Earth], I'll start thinking about a REAL project. :)

  5. Real. If you're doing it, it exists. It is real. Okay, that was my philosophical moment. Contact me if you're thinking of doing ebooks. I'd love to give guidance. I'm putting up my Josiah: Undead Cowboy the end of next week so it's ready for Memorial Day. (biting nails). I'm already working on the next in the western horror series. Tentatively, it is called "The Sheriff vs the Outlaw Zombies" but I'm open to changing that.

  6. 2 more of these matusalem and Coke and Im gonna be a zombie!

  7. I hope the book does well for you!

    As for the next book, maybe just "Outlaw Zombies"? "Zombie Outlaws"? "The Dead Ride Fast"? (Okay... a tongue-in-cheek Dracula reference in that last one....)

    "Dead Riders"?

    I'm not a good judge in these things, but "The Sheriff vs. the Outlaw Zombies" feels a little clunkly. (Not that you ASKED for an opinion.... :D )

  8. The Major has made me thirsty....

    Time for milk and chocolate vodka!

  9. Major Mack
    What the heck is matusalem? Sounds cool.

    I agree about the title. It's a working title now. The series is not only a western twist on horror originals, but Josiah: Undead Cowboy was a format I wanted to use for other ones, although this next one the sheriff is not a zombie, so I can't do quite the same format... Zombie Outlaws might just work, but I hate to ignore the sheriff since these depend on character studies. It's all about caring about the flawed main character.

  10. That's what makes many westerns work... that the hero often has to overcome not only his own flaws/personal demons, but the Bad Guys around him as well.

    BTW, if you aren't worried about having your ideas contaminated, check out "Undead or Alive" and "Dead Birds." They are both rather well done horror westerns. (Movies both.)

  11. Oh, I wish I could! I refuse to read fiction when I'm writing fiction so that I don't corrupt myself. In fact, for a woman who writes horror, I've probably read like 5 or 6 horror novels in my life. I never wanted to adopt a style other than my own. I'm excited about the series. I hope to do a vampire/werewolf/zombies/ghost/slasher western themed. I'm digging Josiah's own blog and having him write entries daily. It's made him so real.

  12. You and horror sounds like me and my ten or so years working on various fantasy properties. I've never been a big fantasy reader. I didn't even finished the "Lord of the Rings" books until I was forced to when I got hired to work on a tie-in product for the movies. (Fritz Leiber, R.E. Howard and Mercedes Lackey are the only fantasy authors I've read a significant amount of. And with Howard, I don't even particularly like the original Conan stories.)

  13. matsulem is rum from barbados

  14. I swear, if I were a dude, being the dork I am, I would so love the fantasy stuff, but I find myself unable to sit through South Park or Family Guy, Anime or Avatar. I just don't get it. I didn't even like "cartoons" when I was a kid. I did find myself fascinated with Shrek, but that had more to do with the characters. hee hee. If I were a dude, though, I'd be so into that. As a chick, I think I went more towards the Shirley Jackson type moody/romantic shit. I find when it comes to horror, a bad situation is what you put the most unprepared character into. I love doing a lot with redemption and with people getting what they were wishing for and regretting it. I'm totally digging steampunk, but I'm not sure I could write it, but I think a dude could seriously do steampunk and I'd be enchanted. I think we all know our limits as writers. Like I can write explicit erotica, but there's a lot of guys who couldn't touch that and especially mixing it with horror. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on your proposal. I have one going out next month for a nonfiction book.

  15. Major--Sounds good! I'm doing beer tonight, but tomorrow night is gal's night and it's Mojitos! So, just how buzzed are you?

  16. well ill tell you. the rum and herb are a dangerous combination ;)

  17. I love herbs mixed with liquor, but then I've been making healing teas for years. My favorite tea I make every day--a mash blueberries, add cinnamon, fresh grated nutmeg and fresh ginger. When the tea is done, I eat the blueberries and ginger. The only problem, if you use too much nutmeg, along with the ginger, you get super aroused. It's a fine line or else it's the longest work day of my life.

  18. Not that I'm your editor or anything, but I recommend staying away from erotica when there are zombies involved. Too much emphasis on rot there. (If you were doing vampires, I suppose there's a minimum of it required these days, but for the love of God... keep the sexy away from the zombies! :) )

    And on that note... I'm off to make dinner. Until next time (assuming we're still here tomorrow).

  19. That said... the sheriff's true love being zombified later in the story would be pretty horrorific, especially following a hot love scene.

  20. Haha. No erotica in this western series. My horror erotica is a separate thing. Have a good one, buddy and hope you had a nice life (that is, if it's all over tomorrow).

  21. have a good one autumn, gotta go check the rest of the game ;)

  22. Checking in with two 20oz Tsing Tao's down... Now to open that wine...

  23. Hee hee. Doc, I like your style. I'm downing a Bud Lite with Lime. I'm finding new and wicked backgrounds for the blog. I like to have a huge "wardrobe" I can change often. Any ideas for a creepy background?

  24. I could shoot you a pic of my crack... That's about as creepy as it gets. ;)

  25. Hmm... Might be too distracting. The busy patterns of a male's hairy ass might take away from the aesthetic of the layout...

  26. Well, as long as you keep the brown strip down the middle it might just work... haha Of course, then you might scare readers away...

  27. Diaper there's a thought!

  28. quite a poetic background.

  29. I have a sinus headache but wanted to say hi.

  30. I will. I can't wait to hear more EVP's.

  31. So, I'm fairly certain I missed everyone, but I wanted to stop by and say hellos anyways!
