The Witching Hour: The Devil's Hour

You roll over in bed and force your eyes open, only to read the blurry red lights of the digital clock “3:15.”

Wikipedia refers to the witching hour this way; “In European folklore, the Witching Hour is the time when supernatural creatures such as witches, demons and ghosts are thought to be at their most powerful, and black magic at its most effective. This hour is typically midnight, and the term may now be used to refer to midnight, or any late hour, even without having the associated superstitious beliefs. The term ‘witching hour’ can also refer to the period from midnight to 3am, while ‘Devil’s Hour’ refers to the time around 3am.” Apparently, the Devil’s Hour is the exact opposite of the time Christ supposedly died at 3 p.m. (I won’t even get into the logic of this for those of us on Mountain Standard Time).

Libby from Thoughts…usually with attitude… made a mention of how she often wakes up at 3:15 am. How many of you wake up during that 3 am hour? I know people who wake up during that hour and can’t go back to sleep, no matter what they do. I find, more often than not it’s that magical 3 am time when I note the blurry red lights on the clock during the night.

It’s been suggested that this is the time of extreme early morning when more firefighters and police are called. That’s true, but then it takes a whole night of drinking to get into trouble at 3 am. It’s also believed that we might be having access to our God figure in that state of mind in deep theta sleep and in between REM sleep. Others think that it’s the extreme darkness that occurs just before dawn that permits melatonin to adjust and create a sleep state that’s in the process of shifting, a time in which we could awaken. It’s also entirely possible that discomfort after hours in our beds is what jostles us awake at about that magical time (especially middle-agers). Whatever the reasoning, any time you’re under extreme stress, you’re likely to wake right around that 3 am hour and not be able to fall back asleep again. Obviously, our bodies are telling us that some sort of stimuli (earthly or unearthly) is creating a dark-of-night awakening.

If this continually waking at 3 am is putting a damper on your life, there’s some things you can consider to get your rhythms back in order:

You can try to go to bed later than usual.

You can set your alarm for 1 am and then go back to sleep.

You can darken your room completely.

You can cool off the room more so your body temperature can stay down where it needs to be for the brain to induce sleep state (running a noisy fan is a good option—it also masks outside sounds).

Try and turn the clock around so you can’t see it.

You can try having a light snack with carbs before bedtime to feed your brain.

You can consider taking a Benadryl at bedtime.

There are conditions such as depression and anxiety that can cause insomnia, as well as chronic medications that can affect sleep. How does one know if waking at 3 am is spiritually related or physically? Look at the clock.

Have you ever had to get up at 7:30 the next morning and you wake up at 7:28? Yeah, our internal clocks are amazing. If you start waking at 2:37 in the morning, you’re likely to continue to do that so long as that number is in your head. You need to consciously remind yourself “7:30” over and over again as you go to sleep. Set the clock. Look at the alarm time several times to visualize that number. Print it into your brain. If you keep waking up at 3:08 every morning, your internal clock has been reset to anticipate that time on the clock. Ideally, just turning the clock around works great. You wake up, don’t memorize numbers on the clock, problem gone. Give it a try some time.

If you ever awaken during this time with a rush of emotion and don’t understand where it’s coming from, it’s entirely possible that your true self or your higher self are trying to communicate. Should you be gathering communications from “the other side” because you seem receptive in the sleep state, once you awaken that sense of someone being there will dissipate. You are in a new brainwave state and are now no longer a receptive receiver.

Scientists tell us that our circadian rhythms in our bodies tell us when to sleep and when to wake. What if those factors weren’t dictated by body temperature, emotional state, or a noisy neighborhood? What if they were affected by a time when our minds are in the sleep state combined with the thinnest veil between our world and the other(s)?

I admittedly have found the time between midnight to 4 am is prime ghost hunting hours. Not always convenient when you’ve been sitting still for the past four hours already and are feeling the body’s need to hit the sleep state. Perhaps our senses are more acute in that need-to-sleep state. I know that a tiny sound when I’m sleeping can keep me up. A trickle of light will make it impossible to sleep. A sore muscle can feel like agony. Perhaps the combination of our mind running in the deeper sleep state along with sharper senses make us ideal barometers for paranormal activity.

It might be the one time that all humans are, in effect, psychic mediums.

UPDATE:  LINK Today’s monster geomagnetic storm, and the explosion of solar flares and coronal mass ejections over the past week, have been wreaking havoc on people’s moods, sleeping patterns, and a host of other human health effects. Many people are experiencing disturbances with their circadian rhythms, waking up around 2am and having trouble getting back to sleep. “Solar storms desynchronize our circadian rhythm (biological clock). The pineal gland in our brain is affected by the electromagnetic activity, and [solar storms cause] the gland to produce excess melatonin, the brain’s built in ‘downer’ that helps us sleep. ‘The circadian regulatory system depends on repeated environmental cues to [synchronize] internal clocks,’ says psychiatrist Kelly Posner, Columbia University. ‘Magnetic fields may be one of these environmental cues.’ ”


  1. Always at 3:16. I wake up and my 3 year old used to he's been ok for about a month now! Great post & info. Thanks! :)

  2. Yup, I'm a 3:15 person myself. If you notice you do it a bunch of nights in a row and then finally stop and it goes away for a long time, that's probably clock fixation.

  3. thanks, autumnforest!
    i'm still on the 3:15 thing, but, you're benadryl will do it! BTW...(especially middle-agers)...thanks a lot for the gentle reminder! lol!

  4. Hey Libby;
    I'm turning 47 on Thursday, so--I'm well into the middle-ager thing!

  5. In the movie "The Exorcism of Emily Rose", she kept waking up at 3:00 am experiencing weird occurances. I couldn't bring myself to watch that entire movie because it just scared me too much. I have experienced waking up at that time and having trouble falling back to sleep. I just figured it was perimenopause and that was why I have such trouble sleeping on many nights. I do, however, wake up consistantly at 6:00 am ever morning. It's like clock work. Side note: Did you watch Destination Truth?

    1. guy's guys up really all right plzz tell me is this all true

    2. guy's guys up really all right plzz tell me is this all true

  6. Julie;
    Perimenopause will certainly make it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. Like you said about 6 am, that's a habit one. You need to hide the clock and retrain yourself for the proper time to wake up. I get caught in that too. I'm lucky, if I wake up, I fall back asleep easily. My hardest thing is falling asleep at the beginning of the night. It used to take at least 1-2 hours. Now, because of extreme exercise, I fall asleep within 10 minutes easily. Yahoo!

    Destination Truth was soooo good! I'm extremely critical about evidence, but when I saw those lights (saw the same one in the graveyard across from our summer house when I was growing up) and then I saw that guy getting thrown--he truly was thrown. It must have hurt like hell to go from sitting crosslegged to being tossed. I don't think he even knew how he made it to the bushes nearby. I like how he described it like something flying overhead and then straight at him full force. That was probably the single best evidence I've ever seen. I also enjoyed GH's sound dude getting sacked with his bag and the lighthouse episode too, but this was really creepy. Glad I taped it! That's a keeper! I hope it's a sign of an awesome season--the team is so mature and willing to be Josh's equal at doing things without puss'ing out. I like that whiny "Rider" is gone. That chick that went into the cave with him--awesomely brave and no complaints. Yahoo!

  7. Yeah I think you're right about the mind memorizing the numbers. I think our subconscious probably recognizes those numbers and wakes people up at the time because it knows what time it is. Then our conscious mind thinks it's something odd. Focusing on another time would probably change long as the 3am wasn't still sitting somewhere in the back of your mind.

  8. Oh to be young again and want to go discover places where I get launched into a campfire......

    I've been "in a bad way" from lack of sleep. I guess I should try to write about it...nothing supernatural, just pure evil.

    The medication given to me scares the bejesus out of me...I'll try the Benadryl.

  9. "What if they were affected by a time when our minds are in the sleep state combined with the thinnest veil between our world and the other(s)?" = WHAT A THEORY! Very interesting.

    I wake up at 3 sometimes. The night my mom died I woke up at 3:11. A year later, to the date of her falling into her Death Sleep (she was in a hospice and it took her 2 days to actually pass), I woke up at 3:11. (Then the phone rang, and for the next 1 1/2 hours my husband and I had call after call of no one there. That was crazy weird S--T! Never happened before that nor since. And sometimes we'd hear like someone was trying to was freaking creepy because it didn't sound of this world...)

    Anyway, I digress. 3:37 is my other magic number for when I wake up. But not all the time.

    This was another super cool post!

    1. I was just reading an article about ways loved ones try to get ahold of you right after passing away. One of them was phonecall(s) without a voice because the voice box is gone in spirit. :)

    2. I just read an article about ways that loved ones try to contact you after dying and one of them was phone-call(s) right after passing away without a voice because the voice box is gone in spirit. :)

    3. my friends explained to me that if your up at 3:00 AM you don't wanna be up because it's the Devils hour and stuff. It's been making me nervous... I don't know what to do

    4. Lots of folks carry a fear of 3 am as if it has a magical property. I assure you, it does not. It was man who designed the mechanism of time and those who live in changing times zones know that it is a relative thing. There is nothing more different about 3 am than 1 am or any other time on the clock. But, people do take note of it because of shifting sleep stages. I have managed to train myself to wake at 12:30 and 5:05. I woke up, saw the clock at those times, and then managed to set my internal clock to want to wake at those times. Our body does get acclimated to clocks and time, so we tend to be able to wake up at 6:58 when we are supposed to get up at 7 am. It's something you can untrain by turning the clock around so you don't know the time and can't take note of it. I hope that helps.

  10. Courtney;
    I know just what that's like. My mother wanted to die in her own home that her mother had died in, so we 5 siblings sat with her for 7 days. We finally decided to unplug her. It was really weird because about 3 days before we decided to do it, I knew she wasn't "there" anymore. I just felt myself and my siblings in the room, but not her. It's hard to describe. She was unconscious for four days but I felt she was there, suddenly, she wasn't. That you got calls on the anniversary is really interesting. I'd be tempted to have used star-69 and find out who it was. It would be every scarier if they couldn't tell you where the call came from.

  11. Believe it or not, waking up at 3:00a.m. is a sign of a magnesium deficiency. Get some magnesium citrate powder and take one and a half teaspoonfuls (work up to that amount) before bed.

  12. Junie;
    What a wise input. Thanks for adding it. :-)

  13. i wake up at midnight and 3 am almost every night. i can usually tell when a spirit is around, but mostly when im alone.ive tried all the suggestion and none work, i dont know what to do.

  14. Brittney;
    Waking up at 12-3 is extremely common, especially if you're under stress or depressed. That is the very first sign of either issue. Adjusting your sleep schedule might help clear it up. I usually try to do stretching before bedtime and turn off the TV because if I watch TV before sleep, my body thinks it was already sleeping and won't sleep well. Some medications and alcohol can also make you wake up in the middle of the night like that. I don't think it's related to any kind of spiritual visitations, but is an extremely common issue for nearly everyone at some time or other. When it happens to me, I turn in the bed and put my feet where my head usually goes and my head where my feet usually go. It's strange, but it works pretty good.

    1. Yes this works very good to sleep upside down. I don't know why.

  15. ive tried numerous things for my sleep problems, including lighting a dragons blood insense. usually when i light one they help me sleep better. last night i woke up at 3 am and i could've sworn i heard chanting. i went and checked it out and there was nobody around. saturday night i didn't fall asleep until 3 am, and the whole time i could've sworn i hear voices. last night when i woke up and herd the chanting my little cat ozzy hissed, jumped off the couch and ran and hide in the bathroom. explain this

  16. Brittney;
    I'd probably want to ask you a few things; have you gotten any new possessions that you put in your bedroom that are used, borrowed, antique, or heirlooms? As simple as it sounds, sometimes rearranging/organizing your bedroom can change the tone of the room. If it's cluttered or there are piles of things or stacks of things in the room, they can change the "feng shui" of the room. A good cleaning and organizing is a good start. It is not unusual at all to hear sounds like that at night because of the parts of the mind that are active in different parts of the sleep process. I would suggest just to keep your from being bothered, put a fan in the room or a radio that is set between stations so it makes static sounds. These will mask sounds. As a test, I'd have you sleep on your sofa or in another room for a few nights and see if the same thing occurs. This will help differentiate if it's your sleep state or your sleeping room. You can always email me too
    I hope this helps.

  17. about once a week i wake up at 3:14 am...and i always hear a radio come on and i know its not clock number memory because i reset my clock to a wrong time to test it..i still woke up a 3:14...ive also woke up with unexplained scraches bruises, and blood on me. im 17 and i have no idea whats going on...i dont want to tell anyone except my mom cause i dont want to sound crazy. but the same stuff happened to her when she was my age. any insight?

  18. You are the ideal age for a sleeping disorder to be showing itself and since your mother had similar experiences, it sounds very likely since sleep disorders do run in families. There are many variations of it, but you can be assured that with this happening during the night and not while you are at waking time, that it is a sleep disorder. It could be one or a few different types of issues from sleep paralysis to issues during shifts in the sleep cycle to sleep walking or activity. It is something you will find as you get a bit older that it happens less and less. In the mean time, I'd suggest not going to bed when you are too tired or staying up too late because it will disrupt your sleep cycles. As well, avoid caffeine in your diet or any medications that might cause disruption in your sleep and weird dreams like Aleve and Advil. I hope that helps you to feel better about this experience. I went through the same cycle from 16-19 and it's pretty classic.

  19. thanks that makes me feel a little better :) and i take adderall and you think that could affect it? i have adhd and alot of the time i stay awake late because i love to read ...

  20. You might ask your doctor about the use of melatonin. It's a natural component that you can get over the counter but it's what we make when it's time to go to sleep and this is very helpful in such cases and natural. If you're taking those medications too, it might be necessary to get you into better sleep levels more consistently.

  21. this is crazy, actually, 4 the past 2 days/nights, i have awaken at these times, well, the first night, i awoke at 3 o clock A.M. and i was like, oooo, tht is the evil hour, so i forced myself to sleep, but a day later, last night, i have a guitar amp in my room, and it is at the foot of my beed, but far enough away tht i couldnt have kicked it, so i awoke abruptly to the sound, "LOUD" sound of the amp falling, i look hurriedly at the clock, and it read, 3:15 A.M. Exact, then i tried to fall asleep, but i had to get up and move the amp back, all the mean time, i was very fixated on my closet which was a sort of force, like a dark, or bad presence was there. I am a christian and beleive in Godf and the devil, and yeah the bible does say about christ on the 3rd hour being crusified, and i personally believe tht there are evils tht r not spoken of in the bible tht dwell among us, and i am really sorta scared about waking up again at this time of night, tonight O.O

  22. As a psychic and person who knows objects and places can retain things, I'd suggest placing a Bible in your closet. You need to re-train your mind not to wake at 3. The problem becomes, like it does for workers who wake up 2 minutes before the alarm goes off, our internal clocks are extremely accurate. We print a time in our head and we awaken then. I would suggest you test it by setting your clock two hours off and if you wake at 3 again, it's not really 3 and it's just a sign that you trained yourself to take note of the clock when it reads 3. Hope that helps.

  23. Hey Autumn. I've read all your posts, it's 4 am I can't sleep. Had to many carbs I guess and my mind is on a spree of thoughts. In those thoughts I always catch myself doing research and with the help of google I found your page. I am an actor but I am also a paranormal researcher fanatic living in Louisiana. I've recently discovered new talents (going on 2 years)
    I am able to feel a presence, identify male or female and how they died. I'm a bit curious, what the hell triggered this? Was I born with gifts of feeling? Have I awakened some "6th" sense society has taught us NOT to believe in.

  24. Another interesting experience I've had, well 2 actually.
    Among a row of trees at night starts about 10 pm - if you walk out into the pitch of blackness among them you literally can see like a siloet, shadow figure, shade, like almost a cut out of a human being running and DIVING into the trees. Not just at a single tree, they run from each tree to tree and sometimes they almost look like they interact and are dancing. This sounds crazy but Ive experienced this filming in Santa Cruz CA where I'm from. In the redwoods the shades would run to trees, run at at us. Play games. My crew saw it. My best friend in Louisiana, who i took and PROVED paranormal existence to saw the shades going from tree to tree. I know the native Americans said trees are like a portal or something

  25. <~~~Daniel; anyhow, the natives talked like the trees were portals. The ancients in Europe spoke of "sprites" and or a "fairies" or "dryads" that would play in the trees like this. Obviously we have to rely and trust on a feeling and self surrounding;yet unseen awareness that will give us an answer. Sadly it seems new technology has not been invented to determine anything. human sense May always prevail. It's interesting. I remember as a young child like something or somebody else was in our home, we just couldn't see them. I sure in hell felt them. My bed rocked back and forth as a child. A quick shake like. And repeated for an hour. I was wide awake sitting up. So many things i have to share.

  26. Oh one more thing. A psychic told me I have 3 spirits following me. I think them good. One of them might be my biological father. The other was said to be me as a young child that died in another life and an elderly woman, most likely my grandmother. I may need from what the shamans call "soul extraction" to remove the child as set him free. What do you think? Other then any readers like "this dudes on some serious dope" - I can tell you one thing. If you're open to belief and you keep an open mind you will most certianlly have things occur. Thinking outside the box is how all brilliant people such as Einstein started out, society labeled them as "crazy" but what did research and facts show later on?


    1. I don't know what happened to me what have I done I woe up at 3.13am and next door had the police round thwybhad just arrived someone got murders by a ghost and I remember that time how would I get it out my head?

  27. Daniel;
    You are a delight and very perceptive. This is why I started the blog. Many unexplainable things and many correlations and theories running through my mind. I wanted a place to compare it with others experiences and see if we could find commonalities. Your ability sounds exactly like my skills with psychometry. You might want to experiment a bit with having people let you hold a piece of antique family jewelry or something (metal is best) and see if these bits of info come to you. Usually, I first feel an emotion, then a male/female, then sometimes the people around them and relationships and personality traits and events. The more I focus on it, the better the information comes. I also have found eye positioning is critical. I move my eyes until I feel I'm focusing on some information and then I keep them there to extract more info. It's not unusual to have it and never realize you're using it or that you can turn and face it and read it. I have been able to turn off my psychometry skills for decades at a time when I didn't want to turn and look at it. The shadow people/spirits are often found in parks, cemeteries, woods, and such. They do seem to be tied to nature and there is a playful feeling about them, as well as a curiosity. They seem to be aware of us as well. I do not see them as anything harmful. Just another aspect of our existence we don't understand. I believe everything, including paranormal, is explained by science, but we have been very narrow-minded on what we learn in science. Let's just look at it--in 30 years we went from computers the size of rooms to pocket-sized and efficient and fast and connected to each other by Internet and yet we still drive on fossil fuel cars over 100 years later. What we focus on, we develop. No one has found paranormal a priority in science and yet other dimensions and life forms and even the concept of time and space are just being largely ignored as far as "marketable" capability. So far as the spirits around you, I would not worry. These things are not life-long and only fleeting. Anything that might tie to you does so for your needs more than their own. There is some way they can support your efforts or witness your experience and then they move on. Where the spirit world is concerned, it would seem to be a very changeable and adaptable place, as well as a concept I think many have not realized--spirits are not linear. It's not like one person equals one soul. A soul can be everywhere at once.

  28. That's amazing. I remember meeting a girl and I couldn't help but blurt things out. I said her mother died, she agreed. I defined her to a tee, moving my eyes I've never noticed that till now, but I was able to like lock on like a jet does his missiles... She asked me a question only she knew about her mother. I replied she was wearing a necklace that you gave her at the time of her death. She loved this necklace the exact answer to her question, mind blowing she started crying and I honestly was thinking, "my god, I just did that"....
    I've read people's minds before have you done that? I mean sure, could be a coinikiedink but I answered it 3/3 - sometimes when we meet people it's like we connect with them on a higher mental capacity where we understand each other extremely well as where other people we may not connect with them on such a level, I believe everything happens for a reason, i guess it's karma? I'm not sure. It seems when I have good intentions good things happen. It's like our minds create a wave at wich we vibrate and connect to certain frequencies higher and lower. I've listened to many theories that suggest there are beings from the 1st to the 7th demonsion that are cab able of seeing things that the Lower demonsion cannot possibly see. Maybe these shadow figures/sprits are running in a demonsion that exsists with ours we just aren't able to grasp them and see them because we are 3rd demensionals.

  29. You're so right about technology though. We advance where we wish to and Maybe hide things from the people that we do find about paranormal ect...

  30. I've written a few times on here in theories about whether heaven is the 4th dimension. I get just what you're going through. Even after accepting my abilities, each time I do a new read that is impossible for me to have known by any common means, it freaks me out more than the other person. You are right about people and frequencies. I am an open book and people say it makes me vulnerable, but I can't lose anything if I have an endless supply of love and joy. When you are open that way, you can pick up from others. When you are closed off, you not only do not recognize your abilities but don't recognize they exist at all. To coin a phrase from Wayne Dyer the self-help guru, "you'll see it when you believe it."

    1. Autumn I lived with my dad for a while and I had a second floor bedroom while he was down stairs and one night during the week I saw a girl about 11 completely gray exept her dress which was gray and white she had hair that covered her eyes it seemed like she looked at me then she kind of smirked and vanished after that I slept a bit better that week but it seemed like I'd seen her before but I can't place it and also theres these kids at school 1s a guy the other two are girls but we can some what tell/think what the other is going to do the time distance has veried from 5 seconds to 1hour but we always seem to pick it up one time the other guy was about to drop his drink but right before he did I caught it and also tonight I closed my eyes and saw the girl in the dress again but her hair was parted and I could see her face my heart skipped a beat because it looked like my cousin but she's alive and well at her house what the heck is going on

  31. That's a really good quote for me right now. I'm going after my dream the next few days and it's managed to work it's way into my starving hands. The more i compete the next thing I can move onto to. It's like life is connect each dot to dot
    I wonder if I'll be satisfied once I achieve my goals

  32. I'm 22. I'm Daniel, I've really enjoyed talking to you, thanks.
    Anyhow, Autumn... Right now I'm facing my dream of recording an album and I'm nervous as hell yet this is what i love to do... It's like I'm being tested all the time, my choices produce a positive or negative outcome. Like the connect the dot you connect 4 miss 1 you fall down 5 back to 6 and you learn from the experience. If I'm open, ive found I am full of love compassion and joy good things do happen. Just curious you said yours was endless how
    Did you tap into that source? Is it permanent? Or do you continue to re-connect?

  33. It's crazy I've been up almost 48 hours and each time I try to fall asleep
    My body refuses to let me. It's like something somewhere will not allow me to rest yet, I feel I need to accomplish something, maybe the album? My soul feels like its been waiting for this for a long time.

  34. I'll tell you a secret, Daniel. Your life is not defined by any one achievement or any one event. It's how you HANDLE your achievements and disappointments, events and non-events that defines you. So, this album is one of many many opportunities for you. You come from a place of abundance, knowing that this is not the ONLY chance for something amazing to happen, and you will be comfortable in your own skin. You can't lose, you just go back to where you are right now. So far as the abundance of love, I have lost nearly all my loved ones in my lifetime and have had more trials than most people I know and yet I never give up excitement, enthusiasm and love. Every person I meet is another brother or sister in the journey and I feel compassion and a great deal of honest interest in their journey. If you leave yourself open to everyone, losing one person can't hurt you so much, you just refocus on others around you, knowing that you can only borrow people, you don't get to keep them. If you live your life the right way, you make amazing memories, learn amazing things and are better for whatever the encounter. I call it "accepting the new reality." People who adapt to new realities never feel like they fail or lose at anything, they just change the game plan. Hope that helps. Get some sleep, let your body just melt into the bed and imagine someone you love and trust petting your head and comforting you like a child. I find that to be very helpful.

  35. I watch Uefa Champions League, and Europa League and study in nindia arnd dose times----------------but i do feel scared-i dunno why

  36. Wow Autum... Your reply blew my mind... That's so true.....
    Thank you. How are you doing, things are good?


  37. Hey Daniel;
    Life is good. I cannot complain. Complaining seems to be a sign for me to either change my attitude or change my prospects. Hope all is well with you.

  38. hey,

    I am a film music composer..... only for fun at the mo :-p and ive had an idea to do a score for a film im calling "Witching Hour"... that brought me to finding your site on goggle.

    Just wanted to say what an amazing site, its been so inspirational and I have enjoyed reading everyone's post!!! :0)

  39. Thank you Antony, and please let me know when you're done with your film, let me know. I'd love to cover it on the blog.

    1. wow that would be brill, thank you!! :0)

      here is Elvira's Piano Solo (track 4)

      you can see tracks 1 - 11 at my facebook wall :)

    2. So one night while trying to sleep with my eyes closed I see 3 orbs like I've seen in the ghost hunter shows fall straight down right in front of me and disappear right after each other and they where red and then my entire body shivered. as it now typing this. And now at night I can now sleep till day light. someone please help I'm going to basic training in less then 30 days

    3. So just so you know when I read some of the fist stuff you posted I felt the worst shivers just like a few night when I was trying to sleep I saw 3 orbs just like I saw on the ghost hunters shows and then I felt the shivers the orbs where red. that night and since then I can't go to sleep after midnight till about 6. I have a feelingim posesed by something and I might need help I go to basic in less then 30 days. and I know ghost are real that dark figure I've seen it looking at me in a room that was dark. my friend say dude go back to sleep lay back down... I was laying down but I opens my eyes and their it was staring at me right next to my legs he saw it so did I and we both heard random music when none was playing and it was after midnight I'm being followed buy something I need some help now because its starting to get worse...

  40. wow..i get up at 3:14 every single scares the crap outta me....sometimes i dont look atthe time cause im too

    1. The same happens to me to every single night even if i didn't sleep the night before

  41. I wake up at 3:15 or 3:24 most nights and i have a job where i work long hours and have to get up early so when i wake up at those hours i get really pissed off and have a hard time getting back to sleep. Any thoughts?

    1. Once you've set that time into your head, it's hard to get rid of it. Your body has a clock that has now recorded that time. I would suggest a few things. First, if you ever go back to sleep and get up when the alarm goes off, stare at that time and on the clock and recall it in your mind. When you go to bed, turn the clock away and be unaware of what time it is. If you do wake up and don't know the time, just turn over and think of that time that you must get up like "6:00" and know that the clock will tell you when it's 6:00. Once we get our body used to the new 6:00 notice instead of 3:15, then you will cancel the old message to get up at 3-something.

  42. Ever since I was a child, I have had nightmares where someone drags me out of my bed. I wouldn't be able to talk or breath. I know this is probably sleep paralysis. The thing is, I grew up Catholic and have always had a fear of the devil. I always wake up at three a.m. and pray and/or turn on my t.v. until it is four. I used to joke that I had a demon following me to my friends because I always felt like someone was watching me. My dog used to bark at my closet in my childhood home. Last year, while visiting a friend, I made another joke about my demon haunting me and right after I made the joke and walked away from the closet I was standing in, a bag fell from the top shelf right down to where I was standing. The next day my friend and I took a picture together and behind me was an orb-like flash with a clearly visible and ominous face. It made both of us cry. When I moved to my new and current place, things seemed to subside and I felt normal again. But now I am having sleep paralysis again and waking up at three in fear for my life. As soon as I wake, I stare at one corner of my room because I feel like a presence is there. Even my fiance woke up and said he felt scared. He doesn't believe in the devil and said it is all in my head. Last night, I had another nightmare where I was trying to call out for help because I felt like something was going to drag me out of bed. I woke up and my fiance turned and looked at me and growled. I choked him and screamed and he woke up very angry because he didn't know what was going on. He used to make fun of me and pretend to be a demon and do this so I thought he was messing with me but I was still so frightened. I know what his snores sound like and I know what I saw. I can't tell anyone because no one will believe me but I fear for my life now more than ever. I am 12 weeks pregnant and so stressed out that I fear I will miscarry. I am going to see a priest and practice penance and talk to him but what should I do? Is this all in my head?

  43. I just moved in to my new house and ever since I've been there i always wake up at 3 we also just found out that it was haunted my dad got possessed is word because one night i got no sleep at all and the next night i feel asleep and still woke up at three

    1. I wake up every morning at 4:30 precisely and I wasn't sure why until one morning when I woke up, I heard the neighbors stomping upstairs and found out that they got up at 4:30 every morning. Sometimes, it can be an environmental cue, like that's when the heater turns on, or it can be as simple as having awakened at that time, you note the clock and then your internal clock has you waking up at that noted time. If you turn the clock away, it helps to alleviate it if that's the issue. I believe legends about the meaning of 3:00 have made it a target, but honestly 3:00 is subjective depending on where in the world you are, so it doesn't correlate with an actual time in history. I broke myself of the 4:30 thing by setting my alarm for random times each night for a week. Eventually, when I turned the alarm off, I woke up at a normal time because I had no certain time locked into my mind.

  44. I used to wake up at 3am or 3:15am every single night for about 2yrs. I knew about the witching hour for a very very long time, but never really thought too much about it. I tried taking melatonin with chamomille tea for a while and it seemed to be working but just when I started to get comfortable sleeping again it started happening again. I even resorted to using a ouija board with 2 of my closest friends whether you believe in oiuja boards or not I do wholeheartedly simply for the fact that all of us were barely resting our fingers on the "planchette" and it was moving so freely on the board. It told me that I had 9 demons following me so I looked up how to get rid of them or at least keep them out of my house. According to everything I found, you're supposed to break tje board into 7 pieces and sprinkle holy water on it, then you place it in the box and sprinkle holy water on that too. Finally you bury it, I followed the directions to a tee except I threw the ouija board away cuz let's face it it's still going to get buried in a landfill. Anyways...I did all of this made the sign of the cross with holy water plus put a cross on ky forehead in holy water. Then I proceeded to sprinkle holy water around the outside of the house and then I put crosses on every single door of the house also in holy water. I sprinkled holy water on the walls as well. The 3am thing stopped for a short period of time, then started up again. I finally made a sleep med appointment got prescribed ambien and still on occasion wake up at 3am. I've tried EVERYTHING possible tirning the clock around listening to "soothing sounds" listening to music, leaving the tv on and all that jazz. I get this really freaky feeling whenever I do wake up at 3 like someone or something is watching me. I've seen orbs and shadows especially at this hour, but I've also seen them during the day and evening. I started seeing them when I was about 14. I've talked to some people about it and one person imparticular whom I trust with my life had mentioned that as each season passes (I believe thats how she put it) the veil between the spirit/demon realm and our world weakens and we will see spirits and demons more easily because of this. I am a firm believer in all of these things only because I've seen them. You had mentioned that you have a gift in psychometry and I read your convo with Daniel. Do you guys have any other suggestions on how I could deter myself from waking up at three am or maybe just an explanation as to why I can see these things a little easier than other people?

    1. You need spiritual protection using whatever religion or belief system you have. In the least, imagine being surrounded by protective white light or holy fire before falling asleep. There are many protection practices but the ones that work best are the ones you resonate with the most. Blessing to you and may your obstacles be removed.

    2. I have been waking up at 3 am an I couldn't be able to go back to sleep,I try forcing myself to sleep but that don't work.Sometimes at 3 am I would wake up an can't move with just eyes opens only,I wouldn't even be able to talk too an I would try talking in my head wondering why cant I move or talk?having me think someone is taking control of me an I'm not...sometimes I always feel like someone is watching me,when I was 9 I had someone follow me I first started seeing her at my grandmas house but I was so scared I just ran to the room closets to me an closed it,I looke at my phone an it was 3:12 am for me....then now it's 2016 an this been happening to me for 2 or 3 years already....I am so scared to sleep an I like to stay up all the time with my friend on FaceTime,I FaceTime her when it's 3 Am cause I don't wanna be alone...then I told her to stay with me until 4:20 Am so I can sleep we end FaceTime an I try going to sleep cause I was tired but it didn't work...I tried forcing myself to sleep an it still didn't work all I was doing was closing my eyes listening to music an wake up feeling tired kinda...sometimes I would hear weird sounds like whipsers or cracking noises,I would be scared to go look by I remember I was in my bed an my door open by it self,I just felt my heart drop having me out my blanket over me but my face so I can see..nothing happened cause then the door closed an I kept my eyes open until everybody else was awake so I would feel safer,I didn't wanna tell my mother about it because I didn't want her to think it was from watching to much scary movies or think I was crazy,please I need help I'm 12 years old I'm a girl I am tired of having not being able to sleep everytime an being scared for what happens....I want it to stop,I always have to keep a cross by me when I sleep or by me all the time.

    3. I'm to scared to wake up at 3 am everytime,an when I do I feel like something or someone is watching me laying in my bed with my eyes open,because I just look around in my room with only me an my little sister in it,I like it when my dog is by me but sometimes he would burk for no reason?...I would even hear noises by my bathroom an sometimes hear it running even tho nobody is their doing it,I though if I would tell my mom I might put her in danger cause who was ever their with me is scaring me...when I was 9 I seen a girl...I couldn't see her cause she was like black sometimes it would pop out of no where when I am alone...I'm to scared to move or anything else...

    4. It's very very typical around adolescence for girls especially to have sleep issues and it's because hormones drop in the earliest hours of a new day. It can make you wake up with anxiety feelings or dread. During our dream state, our body paralyzes itself so you don't act out your dreams. What happens is sometimes we wake up during that cycle and we can't move our bodies - it's called Sleep Paralysis and you can find a lot about it online. If you are still in the dream state, your eyes are open, you think you're awake, but you see things. My most often one I see is spiders crawling across the ceiling like an army. Not fun at all. The key is often to be sure you don't go to sleep too empty in your belly because that can make the hormone drop worse. I tend to like milk before bed to help out a bit. I also like to play soft music in the room so I'm not distracted by any sounds. I use ocean or rainstorm sounds a lot. If I wake up and can't sleep again, I switch my position on the bed so my head is at the foot of the bed and my feet are at the head of the bed. Sometimes a simple position change like that can be helpful. Sleep issues and hormone changes go hand in hand. As women, we get it again during pregnancy and menopause, but it usually quiets out during adulthood. It's something worth approaching your parents about that you are having sleep issues. There are some simple things that can be done to have good "sleep hygiene" a routine that works for you. I just started menopause myself and I workout in late afternoon so that sleep is better for me because I wake up anywhere from 3-5 am with hormone drop and anxiety often. Be sure you stay well hydrated. That can also help with hormonal shifts having less effect on you. Just know that it's very normal at that age. And extremely normal to feel depressed, weepy, anxious, or scared - as those are all hormonally driven emotions. I think I cried my way through my adolescence. I promise you that hormones have a bigger effect on sleep than anything of a paranormal nature. But, yeah, it does feel weird beyond belief. It's a whole new world when you throw in the hormones - until it balances out. For e, I was in my early 20s before I really felt I had gone to normal with the hormones and shifting, right around 20 or 21. I was a late bloomer though.

  45. I moved into my apartment about 18 months ago knowing full well that someone had died in my bedroom, 20 years previous. I haven't had any issues although it does cross my mind every now & then. Then last night my kitchen smoke alarm went off at 3:15am. I jumped out of bed & ran to the smoke. This has never happened before & the smoke alarm is working perfectly. Your comments would be appreciated.

  46. Almost every night I wake up between 3 and 4 am. I feel like something is watching me from outside of my bedroom door. I can usually fall back asleep when my husband is asleep next to me. I've always been afraid of the dark and cannot sleep with any doors open except my bedroom door, it HAS to be open. I've always feel like something is watching me. Sometimes it scares me other times I don't care. My grandparents have visited me in my dreams I'm hoping its just them.

    1. When I was a little I was really afraid of dark so much....until one day....when i was sleeping and something strange was like I was did not sleep and my eyes open...after a while i dream that i still sleep in my bed.....for some unknow reason in my dream or reality i feel right beside me there someone standing there and watching me....and i was scare that i wanna cry but I can't cry,call for help and was like that thing that person/ or Maybe not a person....forcing me to sleep...and i feel Like that thing is going to do something to me...after that i force Myselft to wake up/force my eyes to open and try move hardest as I can...after I wake up....that thing was like disappear and not there anymore...but i feel Like that thing is been there watching me for a while just now...and i try look at my phone at what PM is now....bad thing is that i wake up on around 3:00 or 3:15...(after that second time happen if i remember correctly that stranger thing give me a evil eyes looking and a smile on that face look at me..if i remember correctly)...after all this happen before I sleep i need to pray or wear protection charm to keep away evil spirit/demon/ghoul/witch away from me...every night before go to bed...

  47. ok so today i woke up at 3:06 i dk why and today is halloween so that kinda scares me cause i heard rumors that 3:00am is a bad hour and i even saw it in the the movie the conjuring that all clocks stopped around 3:00am .

    1. I will say that what's in a movie is not real. With that being said, there's no reason to fear 3:00 except that given normal sleep cycles, people shift between stages of sleep and might awaken during the 3 o'clock hour and then, given old wives tales about its significance, get unsettled. In ghost hunting, I can tell you 3:00 has nothing special to offer.

  48. Hmmm, interesting??? I too have had many 3:00 a.m. awakenings. Sooo many times my little dog is waking me up, trying to get as close to me as he can, shaking uncontrollably. This only happens when I am at the lake where I am a caretaker. I have also had visitations when at my house by apparitions, and shadow figures, including seeing the "shadow man" twice. Recently I suffered the loss of someone that I loved dearly due to cancer...actually the love of my life, and since I have been seeing what looks like someone wearing a grayish/white hoodie...have witnessed it three times...and only when at the lake, and nobody camping...just by myself. My little dog even saw it, and seemed frightened. I would brush it off, but my dog seems to be experiencing this also. One night when at my house I kept waking up to voices. My son had heard the same thing only a couple of weeks prior and was freaked by it. Who knows??? The "hoodie" figure...don't think I've heard of that one from anyone.

  49. Concerning previous post about the "hoodie".....the lake is where we spent our time and where we fell in love...our last place together...FYI

  50. Hi I still wake around 3am years after moving out of a haunted environment. It started when I still lived with my parents. My room was in a part of the house that had older floor boards than the rest and was above a room where the floor had floor boards above soil instead of concrete. A simple underpinning job we think. 200 plus years old and we were informed of a suiside taking place at some time. The whole family has seen strange things at that house or other locations and stories come from other relatives of seeing paranormal things in life too. Anyway, my mother told me that she was waking up at around 3am or just past and i confirm i was too. Different rooms thick walls and doors nothing heard of each other. The difference is I had a light above my tv, maybe a foot or more. It would move to the ceiling and vanish. The wardrobe door, a lovely antique style pine job, only ten years old would move, the key in it would rattle and then stop. This went on for years. One day my mother was on the phone in the room below mine and had to hand up because the foot steps in my room were so loud she couldn't hear the person on the other end. she was the only one in the house. When we first moved in lights would turn on and off when no one was in the room, one night we heard someone running up and down the stairs, and the usual hot and cold spots in rooms. There was a grey mist that in your mind was an old man stood under an apple tree that was strangely on a mould next to the wall around our back yard. I once took photos in the dark around the house. There was only one photo that showed anything, a lightening strike in the doorway to my room. I later looked up the meaning online and found it to be a portal from the other realm. Once i came home one night about one am, i had been to the pub with my brother and his mates, we looked up at the landing window and the light was still on, nothing unusual because my mother has insisted in having it on all night since an incident staying at my dads parents house. The strange thing was the six foot tall shadow of a man that moved across the landing and into my room. my brother kindly laughed and simply said you're not sleeping alone tonight. Many other things happened at that house and others before. The location of that one was on a slight hill quarter of a mile from and other house, ten or so miles from a trainline, and had a narrow quiet road running near it. My brother moved into my room after I moved out and experiences the same things every night his girlfriend too. I live in a modern house now granted right next to a railway, and busy road, and the radiators shake when trains go by, but I still wake up around 3 am. Only had a few paranormal things but not in the bedroom. Can't explain it. I suffer from depression and can wake up many times through the night but even if I only wake once it is around 3 doesn't matter when I go to bed and I have to sit up to see the clock. Tried sleeping in another room and without clock but still around 3 maybe too sensitive.

  51. I almost always wake up at 3 every day and not to long ago I woke up feeling like something was watching me and saw this little girl sitting next to my bed staring me down... Anyway it really all started when I had came home from the beach feeling slightly off. I went to sleep that night and woke up by the sound of the TV turning on (it was one of the old TV's that when turned on it made a loud noise and you could hear all the static it attracted) and my door was wide open which I distinctly remember closing before I went to bed and it would happen at least 4 times before I finally went to go and make sure no one was messing with me.. Every time I went to check it out, no one would be awake. it got to the point where it was really irritating me because out was messing with my sleep so I finally told it to stop and it did... fast forward a couple years and you have me and i was sitting in my room on the computer one day talking on the phone when I heard someone say "they're watching you" which creeped me out because I was the only one home and my friend had her speaker muted then a few days later I had this really weird feeling that this little boy and little girl would follow me every where so I mentioned to my friend (who can see spirits) that I had people following me and he was able to confirm that it was the boy and the girl and that they loved to play games and mess with me by turning on things and making things fall (which happens a lot) but what surprised me the most was when he started telling me about this man who would try to get me to do bad things and make my life hell when I wouldn't listen to him.. I have never told anyone about the old man until my friend had confirmed it so that kinda unnerved me to say the least... Fast forward again to waking up to seeing the little girl by my bed... I went to tell my dad about it the next morning and he told me I was crazy and that it was a dream... A few months later I moved houses and was visiting my grandparents with my mom and she had me tell my grandmother the things that would happen and when I finished my mom basically told us that she knew I wasn't crazy because whenever she was in the house alone she would hear footsteps up and down the stairs like little kids were running and playing and them she went on to tell me that when I was a baby I would always look up and start laughing and smiling and babbling like someone was there but there wasn't anyone... So my flashback is over and to this day the old man still follows me and mostly stays at a distance but the kids moved on

  52. I use blogger. They offer several kinds of templates and lots of customizing of them. I used my own photo for the background and made my own banner for the top and picked 3-column layout, adjusted colors and lettering.

  53. So I was using some evp equipment a minute ago and all of a sudden my back starts throbbing then I hear "Gouge". Yeah got a tad scared turned it off. After my nerves chilled I walked to the bathroom and check myself out because it plain hurts and I have a huge bruise! Wtf

  54. My dog wakes me up every morning at 425 a.m by jumping on me,licking my face,and laying his face on my face and will not stop till I get up.. At first I thought he just has to use the bathroom. I let him out for a good 15 mins put him back in the house.After him doing this for a week I changed up his routine a bit and even let him out for an hour before bed.Its been two months he still does this at the exact same time. He isn't waking me up to use the bathroom he just wants me up.I recently had him stay in another room.Now at exactly 425 he wines and goes crazy in the room barking until I let him out then he goes straight to my bed..It drives me crazy..He only does it to me..

    1. The dog doesn't sound like he's reacting to anything in particular, other than dog instincts. Dogs get to know the time their owners come home. They will sit in front of the door. If you gave them a treat at high noon, at high noon, they look to you for a treat. Your dog started a clock pattern with you and now you are associated with interactions at that time of day. If you start to ignore him at that time of the day and encourage another time of the day for an interaction regularly, he will likely change his internal clock.

  55. Hii...
    Actually um not superstitious but from last few months my family members told me they had seen me sitting in nights with red eyes and I didn't knew about it at all that I was sitting in nights....
    And one thing the nights when such thing happens next morning I feel very tired or something like that....

  56. Hii ,

    I'm sem from Holland. Today at 3:23 al clocks stopped in my mom's house. A digital and normal clock at the same time is that normal??

    1. That is very unusual if they are both battery operated and plug-in. If they are all plug-in, then they would stop at the same time if power went out.

  57. My nephew used to live with me he would wake up at 3 am every morning in his own room run around my house and be annoying after he moved out i put my 1 year old back in the room with me and gave my 4 year old her own room where he used to sleep for the past month she has done the same thing one night she came in my room and said mommy something scary i never seen her that scared b 4 she wouldnt go in my kitchen her daddy did as she hid behind me am i looking at the paranormal with my daughter?should i b scared for her?

    1. There are a few things going on. At a certain age, usually after 3, children begin to have more regular patterns of sleeping the night and that means that they also shift their sleep from one stage to another, but not always flawlessly. It's entirely likely that in a sleep state, the child's body is no longer in dream paralysis and so the child is able to move about and believe they are awake, even have their eyes open, but see things because the images in the mind's sleep state are showing them. This confusion of sleep and awake would hit around this 3 o'clock hour when most people are ready to shift into a deeper sleep again. I suspect that is what is happening. If these things only occur at nighttime, it is likely a sleep issue. Some children are more sensitive to weird feelings in places and don't like the "sick room" or the "bad room" or whatever they want to call a part of the house they are sensitive in. Early psychic skills can show this way. Unfortunately a great majority of children outgrow the skills. You might give this post a look -

    2. Its just got bc my nephew was in the room first and it was every night he was awake he would even wake the other kids in the home and go in his moms room while she slep and destroy it. As mine wont destroy my room she goes in my sisters room and gets into stuff the bad part was when she said she saw something scary it was only 10 at night and she wasnt sleeping yet

    3. Here's my policy. If it happens once that she says she saw something scary, it's a fluke, but if it keeps happening, it's a pattern. Then, you want to define what is scary. When my son was little, he was terrified of an alligator in his room. I was baffled. I looked around, trying to figure out why he was fixed in alligators - we lived in the desert. So, I asked him to show me the alligator. I sat on the bed beside him and he pointed to the ceiling. The door was partially opened and left a shadow that looked like a triangle and in his mind and he thought it was an open alligator mouth. I looked at it at a minute, told him "I don't see any tooth. Not a very scary alligator. Looks more like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich triangle, see" I pointed. He looked. "Yeah, it does." So, I left, but was worried he was still scared, so I closed the door. He yelled out "Keep the door open! I wanna see the peanut butter and jelly sandwich." Consider the context. If she is new to the room, the room is foreign to her. Spending time in it day and night, it will become so familiar, she will ignore it, so I'd suggest she make a happy play area in an open closet, and walk around saying good night to stuffed animals in each corner, and feel that the room is hers and her stuffed animals and dolls room. Then, when she sleeps at night, it's the place where she has fun, and her animals and dolls protect her.

  58. It really shocked me when my mom asked her who she was talking to she said my friend dawn my dad came to visit and he asked her she said a boy poppop he asked what is his name she said cant tell u he left it at that. The school said she zones out and starts talking to no one she said its weird

    1. There's an age between about 2-6 where you most often see kids talking to people who "aren't there." It is common to talk to someone when you know they are there. Eventually, socializing in school wears down those skills. Kids might still feel someone is there, but they don't talk out loud, they just note the presence of someone, maybe take a mental inventory of age, size, emotional content, but they don't focus on it anymore, they focus on their play with that in the background. Eventually, we all lose the skill unless for some reason we are able to refocus again on that background stuff. If she is not exhibiting harmful behaviors, psychosis, backward trend in her skills, and such, sounds to me like a sensitive child. If you can help her put it into her art, it will give her a way of expressing her world on paper in 2-dimensions and a great outlet for archiving. In the future, when she does art, she will be able to let that other realm she detects, come out in her art. I found ways to express and maintain my skills through life, though sometimes I was in situations where people were very averse to the skills, I put them underground for a time (background area). But, when I wanted to take them out and look at them, I lost no ability - the skills remained intact. So, if she is talking to someone not there, ask her to draw a picture of the room and everyone in it. Point to the dolls and stuffed animals and say "draw everyone who is here." See what she comes up with.

  59. hi i am sumit from india , i had a weird experience last night i woke up at 3:30 am i was on my bed lying down i saw a shadow or a figure behind the curtain of my room that curtain was near my washroom door i looked at it i heard a sound like a growl it made that sound when i actually was trying to get up to see wt it is . but i was all paralyzed i was trying to shout at it but i could not even open my mouth all i could do was just make a hmmm sound . all of sudden i was normal again . i got up in full anger and searched fr it . first i thought the growl must b of my dog but he was asleep. since that time i am little low not feeling lively at all . can you help me out ?

  60. Hey, I just wanted to say that your page has given me a lot of insight into things going on with me. I have, for the past two months now been waking up at either 3:15, or 3:00 on the dot. usually 3:15 though. But it has been every night without fail and its driving me crazy. After I wake up I have to put some head phones on and play music as loud as it gets and just hum to myself until 4 rolls around. after 4 I can get back to sleep but until then im kept up by strange noises and the feeling of being watched. I know im not totally paranoid because I have awoken in the middle of the night before and never had the issue of paranormal unless it was in the hour of 3. until I found this page I thought I was insane

    1. Glad to help give insight. The thing about 3 - 4 am is there is something very primitive in the cycles of the brain, given when nighttime occurs and melatonin is released. It is very easy to be highly sensitive. I know I get hyperacousis or my hearing becomes acute and even tiny sounds drive me nuts in this stage. As well, if you are in an alpha brain wave state, you might be more receptive to communications from other realms. This is the time for aliens or the dead to visit. Lots of things to consider, but we do get into an internal clock pattern of waking at that time repeatedly now that the time is locked into our heads. Hope this helps and just know that the majority of us have waking problems during this hour.

  61. I have constant fear from an everlasting night fright... I have a reoccurring night fright that I get cancer and die.... I wake up at 3:12 every morning.... that's when I die in the dream... Its just me alone in the hospital bed... its like I'm hovering above the bed... u see myself there... tubes... ivs... a mask... there's always this think black mass beside the bed... I see it touch my chest then the heart rate monitor goes flat and all these alarms go off then I wake. 3:12

    And I see the black mass all the time....
    Can someone explain?

    1. The mind has a way of testing us at nighttime. I used to have continuous repeat nightmares of tornadoes chasing me. I would wake up in the 3 o'clock hour. I thought for a time, maybe I'm having premonition dreams the clock and tornadoes were warning me perhaps of a future disaster. The mind will take a theme it thinks works to test your skills and gives it to you, sometimes again and again and again. It isn't relevant what happens in the dream, but how you handle what is happening is relevant. It shows how you feel about how you're handling your life right now. So, I always advise people to study their reaction in the dreams to see how they are reacting to daytime life. The 3 o'clock hour is a notorious transition time in sleep cycles to become wakeful. Once we begin taking note of 3 o'clock, we almost guarantee our body will wake up then again and again, just as it would before the alarm goes off at 6 am The body has an amazing internal clock. I think the alarms you put into your dreams might have to do with a clock alarm. If we dread the clock alarm and are aware of it near the bed, we might incorporate that into a dream. You can retrain yourself not to wake at the 3 o'clock time period. The post has some tips and I have found that hitting your alarm button and seeing the 6:30 or whatever your wake time is, just before you sleep, helps reinforce a new time for the internal clock to adhere to. Turning the clock away so you don't know what time it is, helps a lot. If you see that number 3:12 or whatever on the clock, the mind takes note as if it's significant and will wake you then over and over.

    2. Spiritual protection practices of any religion or belief system that you resonate with will help. Fear is food for them so it's important to have confidence and faith in whatever method use. Blessings to you and may your obstacles be removed.

  62. Can anyone tell me if you have seen a huge transparent glowing being standing next to their bed. I have woken up to pats on my head and a pat on my leg. I have woken up to someone calling my name at 3:00 a.m I feel fear . I pray and it goes away. I have woken up to what appears to be a fire in my room but when I blinked it was gone. I have also seen a light that is shooting off when I wake up. What does all this mean?......My daughter use to see dead people when she was little. I started to experience all these things when I go pregnant with my daughter.

    1. If these things only happen in sleep, they are almost surely sleep-related issues. We have times between the sleep stages in which we can be dreaming with our eyes open, paralyzed, and any variation of that. I have been in sleep paralysis and viewed thousands of giant spiders crawling up the walls that weren't actually there, have seen colored lights, and more. On the night my father died, I woke up to someone pulling on my toe, and saw my father's silhouette at the end of the bed. He was giving me a last visit and he used to pull on my toe as a good night sign when I was growing up because he traveled a lot and didn't want to wake me up late at night when he came in. If we are visited by dead, we are more likely to realize it when we are in shifting sleep states and alpha brain waves. The majority of what we view that is extraordinary during sleep time is sleep related. If it happens during the daytime in another room in the house, then it is time to wonder if you are being visited. I hope that helps.

  63. I've been waking up every single night at 3:00am for 36 years. When I wake up I checked on everyone in my house and feeling like something or someone was trying to communicate with me. There's something unique about me I can feel it. Can someone help me with this issue

    1. It sounds like you are set up with a pattern for your sleep stages that is pretty repetitive over time. Some people are "early birds" and others are "night owls" and every variation in between. It's not uncommon to be wakeful as you shift from one sleep level to another, but depending on when it happens, you can have stimulation of the parietal lobe or temporal lobe, giving you a sense someone is watching or near. The other possibility is that, in the right brain cycling, the dead can be perceived which is why being visited by the dead in your sleep area/time is common. It may be the best time to perceive what is always there. It is possible to retrain one for sleep cycle shifting by setting the alarm for odd times during the night each night, like one night setting it for 1:30, another night 2:05, and be random picking these times. When you begin to wake at various times on the clock, your internal clock has trouble locking onto 3 am again.The other option is to have a ritual when you wake up at 3 to not get up and check on folks. That routine becomes built into your sleep cycles, so break the habit. Have a ritual you do in bed, like turn and face the other way and focus on the way the sheets and pillow feel, focusing attention away from what's "out there." In sleep, the lobes of the brain being activated can give you a sense of someone there when it's really just that lobe and part of it's function. When my son had meningitis and his parietal lobe was stimulated, he was certain someone was standing behind him. This is an example of the power of the brain's components.

  64. I've been waking up every single night at 3:00am for 36 years. When I wake up I checked on everyone in my house and feeling like something or someone was trying to communicate with me. There's something unique about me I can feel it. Can someone help me with this issue

  65. Yup! But it's also known as "the haunting hour"

  66. I am a 3:33 person and my floor will make shifting noises or dark shadows will be on my walls I wake up every night with a bad nightmare and it will be the same time the whole house will be earily quiet it's a creepy sound when your a father my nerves get so bad my friend on Skype stays up with me until 4:20 and I'm able to sleep again

  67. I'm a 3:00am person & everytime i wake up to this time or am awake already i begin to hear static noises on my speaker & footsteps in the kitchen , i'm a teen & into supernatural subjects but i dont know if everything i hear or see is related to the " devils hour "

  68. Ghost does exist in villages �� and farms ��

  69. with jesus we can all have victory.

  70. Hello my name is Stephanie I am not going to mention my age but I wake up at 3am every morning before my clock goes off, I have these weird dreams about my family and the house I live in for instance one of my dreams was of me getting up outa my bed and going into my closet all my clothes are hung up I make a part in them and see not the white wall behind but I see a cloud full of dark smoke and I start talking to it suddenly I open my mouth and the smoke rushes inside of me there's no pain for me though then I just fall down, then I wake up from my dream but I'm not in my room I'm in my back yard laying on the side walk I told my grandparents once but they didn't believe me I tried going to my school counselor but she said I watch to much TV but that's the thing I don't watch TV never have maybe once or twice when I was little but I never liked the TV any TV I feel like someone watch's me through it.....and for my last birthday my mom got me a rosary I put it on but hours after I would get sick and I thought I was sick with a flu or cold but when I take it off I feel way better one time I wore it to bed and I had another dream accept it was all dark and something said your hurting yourself by believeing in such trinkets I woke immediately and threw up and riped it off my neck and cried all night it's getting worse though I try to go to church and I get dizzy and can't see as much I pray and I some times throw up it goes away some days but my attitude changes to my family and my friends I don't know what to do I keep all of this to my self because people say that I'm just fakeing it or I'm lieing......

    1. There are a lot of things going on here - some sound like sleep issues that could include lucid dreaming, sleep walking and night terrors. In adolescence, it isn't uncommon with hormonal changes to develop sleep issues and dream problems and depression, anxiety and many other mood problems. It happens again in menopause, as well. It's also a time to be asking a lot of questions of your own beliefs versus what you were raised to "supposed" to believe in. It can cause some real debates within. Sometimes when we don't want to deal with something, we focus on something else. For instance, I might be mad at my dad for not being around so I start noticing my aches and pains and begin to worry I have cancer. It seems like a legitimate issue if you have a physical problem versus an emotional one. Rather than deal with the real problem, you find something else that is causing your anxiety. So, it's possible that if you are trying to develop your own priorities and beliefs and be independent, it might be simpler to have a physical aversion to faith than to say "I might not share your views, mom and dad." It's only one of many possibilities, but I do not think this sounds as if it is something evil. When we face our faith or lack of faith, in a way we feel we are going up against demons. It seems so much more clear-cut to blame things on something evil you can't control than your own opinions and views that you can. I call it "Scapeghost syndrome" or blaming things on the ghost rather than dealing with the real issues. I hope that you find a way to sit down with yourself and journal your own views on all matters, from love to money, religion to future goals. You might find that as you define yourself in writing, you get a better vision of who you are becoming and what you want for yourself. I suspect the vague and dark dreams will fade away as you tackle the daytime issues. I wish you much luck and light.

  71. Hi my name is britney idk what has been happening to me lately but for about almost 2 months now i have not been able to sleep maybe a night before prince died and id wake up at like 2:40-3:00 am and what is weird the night before he died i had like a vision of how he died or had a sense he was going to die after i got done listening to when doves cry and since then ive felt like paranoid and feel like someone or something is watching me and idk how to deal with it cuz i get so scared and paranoid and i havent told very many people cuz i dont want them to think im crazy and this isnt the first occurence ive had at waking up at this hour of night ive had it several times when i was younger and it dissapeared but now its back again . If someone could maybe help id gladly appriciate it without making me feel like im crazy lol .

    1. These sound like anxiety issues and they do present themselves in the oddest of ways. Sometimes, we focus on our bodies and think we are dying or sick or sometimes we focus on feeling like we are being watched or our lives are being orchestrated. If there is something we don't want to deal with, we sometimes fixate on something else as an explanation. Prince's death to some makes them think about how alive we are one minute and then gone. If we don't want to think about mortality, we might focus on something else as the cause of the feelings. It's good to get someone to talk to about these things. I used to run an anxiety self help group and I always recommended the books "The Feeling Good Handbook" and "The New Guide to Rational Living" They have some unbelievably priceless info in them. If you ever feel a draw to do something harmful to yourself or others, or if you have trouble dealing with your days and doing your duties and chores because of these issues, it's time to get to a professional to work it out.

  72. I've recently started waking up anywhere from 4am-430am for the past week. The times I've remembered most are 4:33 or 4:22. It's like something is jolting me awake. It's been happening ever since I had a weird dream that involved my mom who passed and supposedly something bad was gonna happen to me if I stay in my current home situation....don't remember the dream fully but remember it felt so real and felt very different afterwards. I'd like to know why I've suddenly started waking up at this time??

    1. In the early morning hours, it's almost always a hormonal issue. Our early morning dreams after around 4 am are usually of a sexual nature and those with menopausal symptoms will awaken then, hormones also can cause anxiety and that can also awaken one. If you awaken in this time period, you can either become clock fixated, noted the time on the clock and then the next day, like a subtle suggestion, your internal clock will awaken you that time again because you had taken note of it as if it were significant, so I'd suggest turning the clock away and not having that reference to re-confirm that awakening time. I would also say that you watch what you ingest before sleep, as a dip in blood sugar from having something sweet near bedtime could be he hormonal shift that awakens you. Give those a try first. Often times, if we have a belly ache during our sleep, we put it into a dream and so the same is said for hormonal shifts that cause depression or anxiety in sleep state -they make for odd dreams. Good luck.

  73. I suggest keeping a log. You want to get specific times and if you hear anything, felt anything, were having a dream, and if your fiance also heard it or awakened. Usually you find that in a new place, there is something routinely that occurs at that time that might be waking you up, like a neighbor who comes home from the late shift or a water heater that runs, air-conditioner that turns on noisily and the like. If you find you keep waking up at that time, I'd turn the clock away so you no longer memorize that time. The body has a wild internal clock that if you photograph a time on the clock with your mind, your circadian rhythms now take it a directive to wake up at that time again as if it's important. You can untrain yourself. The ashes and the house wouldn't necessarily cause waking problems at a precise time, but anxiety can sometimes affect sleep greatly to the point we either can't sleep, sleep lightly, check the clock a,d the like. If you had manifestations of problems with the grandmother or the ashes - it would not take that form. If you do get other haunting features in the home, I suggest that the ashes be placed in a new location. I'd want to put them across from a window, perhaps in an area that people don't necessarily sleep or try to relax.

  74. During an intense period of violence in my life I would wake up at 3:15am almost every night and have dreams of evil in the form of black smoke. I would also hear loud knocking in threes. I had just started meditating as well. I have since learned that the entities who harass us in the night feed off fear. "Sensitives" are especially vulnerable and need spiritual protection. I now have a clear spiritual practice and path. My spiritual guide provided protection. Specifically, I use traditional buddhist protection practices and have not had any serious issues in years. The author of this blog cite sleep patterns as the main cause of waking and experiencing phenomena. That is an adequate conventional explanation. However, conventional medical science does not understand sleep, why we need it or what really happens during sleep. They simply observe the bodies clues. The deeper explanation from centuries of highly realized beings is that our body is simply a temporary costume for our spiritual self and that we need to regenerate spiritually as well as physically during sleep. But we are vulnerable to entities that exists in overlapping dimensions, states of consciousness, etc. Those entities can be benign, helpful or harmful depending on past life relationships we have had with them, karma so to speak. This is a generic explanation of various religious belief systems. Protection practices are methods that ask benevolent entities for protection during these vulnerable states. They can work only to the extent that you believe in them. You can call it placebo but what is the placebo effect except your mind making powerful decisions that impact your body? That is not anything to dismiss. However, a genuine spiritual practice is the best protection. Blessings and may your obstacles be removed.

  75. It always happened to me btw 3 to 3:30 with so many noises. Sometimes under control and sometimes it is out of...

  76. The reason why I'm concerned is because I keep waking up in a jolt. I'll sit straight up and feel like I can't breathe. The weirdest part is that I practically guess a time and it always ends up being that exact time or a minute off. I am wide awake after I wake and lay there begging myself to fall back asleep but it feels as if someone is in the room with me. I would like this to go away, but I've been dabbling with tarot lately so I'm thinking it could be a connection with this.

    1. That sounds like sleep apnea. That's just how one wakes up from it. The timing is as i mentioned in the article - once you have seen the clock at night and noted the time, your body has a way of reminding you that 3:04 or whatever was important. It has an amazing circadian rhythm to get you up at that important time. It's like setting your clock at 7 to go to school and waking up at 6:58. The problem with belief (tarot cards) is that people with a belief that a task or object can be evil or bad, seem to fulfill their own prophecy. Reading a tarot card is really no different than listening to the tone of a friend's voice and discerning their mood. It's interpretation. It has no powers. It only has the powers you think it has. People with no belief in demons, curses, possession or Evil as an entity, do not encounter it. Belief is a way of explaining things we have no absolute proof of. If you think tarot cards can do bad things, then don't use them. You will be making correlations when something bad happens to the use of cards, Ouija or other tool you believe has powers to do bad things. I suggest you do some googling on "Hag Syndrome" which is the sleep issue. Good luck!

  77. I'm trying to stay up all night but it's 3:25 and my dad is not in the hotel room just me and my grandma so what do I do

  78. I'm trying to stay up all night but it's 3:25 and my dad is not in the hotel room just me and my grandma so what do I do

  79. Alright.. I've been awake all day and up till now still not asleep.. My baby and girlfriend are asleep and this usually happens when everyone is asleep but me at this time.. Its 3:34 and I've seen the same ghost twice now.. Tonight I mean.. Same ghost I think.. But anyway I was actually looking up ways the witching hour effects the brain to see if the sightings are just a hallucination or actual fact and somehow still no results.. Did actually catch a photo of the ghost with my Nintendo 3ds camera.. Has to be 3d cause if not you can't see the details or the distance.. Last video shows it for less than a few seconds right in front of the camera lol.. Its actually pretty awesome but I'm still trying to debunk my own idea.. There's no communication so far and believe me I've tried.. Just a feeling then BAM!! Something runs past the door and the lights on out there so I definitely see it.. Anyway what I'm getting at is I want to get it from just hiding and be more comfortable with just chilling.. One thing is for sure that right now as I'm typing this I'm sure its watching.. Give me a minute.. Its now 3:42 and it hasn't showed up so I'm not entirely sure its happening tonight.. Maybe tomorrow.. And by hiding as mentioned earlier I've seen it just poking its head around the corner and then just disappearing as I look up at it.. Not afraid just annoyed and interested in why it likes to knock things over sometimes and wether or not it watches me pee.. Cause that's disturbing.. Anyhow I'm David brewer and ill let you guys know how that goes if I can get it in one place before anyone wakes up or the witching hour is over

  80. Personally the weird time for me is 3:03. Im not sure why but always there is either something that wakes me up in the form of a dream or a sound and its almost always 3:03 other times its still in the 3 o clock range.

    Lately though its been getting alittle more intense. For instance about a month ago we had our kitchen lights turn on and off where the switch was actually being turned on and off no faulty wiring.

    Then i've had times where i'd have my dog who's sleeping at my bed wake me up while hes growling and id look at the time.. 3 o clock.

    And the latest experience was last night. I have a dirt bike helmet that has been sitting on a dresser witch has not fallen off or been knocked off at all in months. Just has sat there. Last night i was woken up by a crashing sound immediately got up and my helmet was on the other side of my room. Im not sure what to think of it. but again... the time was on the dot 3:03 am. I am not sure what to make of it. but now that i actually had something like my dirt bike helmet get knocked off a dresser with that much force im slightly concerned.

    1. In the case of paranormal activity, it knows no clock. It's we, the living, who take note of time. There is no time for the dead, basically. They don't adhere to anniversaries, calendars or clocks, but as living people who do count time and see it as a very real factor in our lives, we often reference the clock. We can wake up multiple times during the night, and just take note of the one time we have set in our mind. It's kind of like the 11:11 make a wish syndrome. We look at the clock at exactly 11:11 and think that's so odd we decided to look at the clock then and feel something must have compelled us. We look at the clock dozens of times a day and night and only take note of a time that has become significant in our minds. Part of the problem is, we have a clock inside our bodies - a rhythm that knows the time. Once you have marked 3:03 as significant, you are likely to wake yourself up at that time and if anything is amiss, you will put them together in your mind. Much might go amiss during the night but you don't wake up and note the clock when it does. So, I'd suggest turning the clock away to not know what time it is when you awaken. Soon, that 3:03 thing will be gone because your body/mind connection doesn't any longer awaken you at that time you have noted in your mind. Hope that helps.

  81. Hi! I'm Krystalmae. I actually have a habit of waking up at 3:03 am. But mostof the time i don't really care about that. But one really weird experience was when my phone buzzed at 3:15 AM while i was TRYING to sleep. It was my bestie saying she couldn't sleep. I replied saying I couldn't sleep aswell. We constantly talk during this hour and sometimes even facetime. But this night was the creepiest night of my life. We were facetiming eachother when i heard a knock on my door. I opened it and saw nobody. We both assumed that it was my brother. The same thing happened the following night at 3:14 am. But this time i heard FEMALE giggling. Sounded so much like a youth. Thoughts?

  82. Hopefully this site is still monitored....

    Reaching out because I have a problem with my 2 year old daughter waking up with night terrors. She goes to sleep between me and her mother, I put her in her bed and around 3:15-3:20am she wakes up crying and runs into our room. It takes a good 15-20 mins to calm her down before she can go back to sleep.

    This has happened 4 or 5 nights in a row that I have put her in her bed. She doesn't wake up if I forget to move her (she sleeps peacefully between us). Last night I went into her room and blatantly told whatever is in her room to stop waking her up and showing itself to her. The room smelled like sulfer or gas and was very cold (thermostat is usually set on 72 at night). I went back to bed, took about 20 minutes or so and had a nightmare like I was stuck in the room yelling at nothing.

    I wholeheartedly believe that something is waking her up at 3:15-3:20 and I'm debating buying a digital voice recorder in attempt to capture an evp at this time.

    We have only lived in this house a couple months and previously I have been woken up around 3am with the baby monitor losing signal. I'm just now starting to realize this activity could be connected.

    Anybody have experience with recording evp's? Is there a way I can have it record at a specific time for a specific interval?

  83. Night terrors are very common in children from toddler to first grade. Even adults get them under the right conditions. My son had them something awful from 2-4 but then sleep patterns changed. For me, I had them once a year or twice a year and precipitated by dream state shifting into non-dream state and being able to move around. I would sit up screaming bloody murder, heart pounding, sure that a face had been right up against mine looking at me, but the shift in sleep cycles will do it. Usually for children, the terrors can present as screaming and thrashing and they may sit up, even open their eyes, but they don't seem responsive. Once they hear their own screaming, it usually wakes them up. The shifts in sleep state can be awkward in the very young. There is no reason to think this is environmental and sleeping in your bed might help comfort them during the shifts so that they don't get a terror. You might want to look up a bit more on night terrors, but often times they have a parent who had issues with sleep talking, walking, terrors, or sleep paralysis. As far as the room feeling weird, just keep note of that. One time, it could be just your own worked up senses and the right conditions to make it feel weird in there, perhaps after the air was running, the room feels oddly cold. Keep a lot for a time and see what might be happening by time and presentation. I found my son was most likely to have night terrors when he was overly tired when he went to bed.

    1. Thanks for the reply, I have invested in cameras with motion sensing abilities. I'm going to put them inside and outside so I can monitor the house while i'm at work and I can record any motion in my daughters room. The software will even send a push notification to my phone and a link to a video once it records movement.

      As for the night terrors it's doubtful but I'll keep and eye on it. Last night around 11:30 I tried to move her, she laid down and as I was laying next to her she sat up and stared into the corner. I was still laying down and she got up, stared into the corner for a minute then laid back down on me. 5 mins went by, I moved her back to her bed and she got up and walked out of the room. I don't get it, there has to be something in there.

      I'll keep you updated, thanks again for the reply.

  84. I have had a few things happen that I have no answer for since I have lived in this new house for 10 years now........first, a masked head of someone up in the corner of my bedroom ceiling after awakinging from,talking in off rooms in the day time, and this, only once, but it caused my dog who was asleep in my lap and all was very quiet at the time, to growl like I had never heard her growl......and last and very disturbing, last night I shut and locked my bedroom, as always, noting that I did in fact shut it and lock it before I went to bed, woke up at & am to find it wide open, with no one else in the house.


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