Monday, January 24, 2011

Scariest Ghost Videos Ever!

I saw this a few years ago and I admit that I was riveted to the screen. It had me totally enthralled. Whether it is genuine or not, it was the best ghost documentary I've ever seen. Enjoy this one in the dark!


  1. All of those can be faked quite easily, but I'll agree to one thing: they chose some that "look" cool. They've got a good setup, etc... I like the renovation cam the best I think.

  2. I agree. It is just plain old fun. You have your reality TV stuff that is staged obviously and contrite and then you have your faked ghost vids and I enjoy those much more because they have elements of what can happen in a real situation. It's always the dilemma as a ghost hunter that no matter what you get on video, it can be disputed as hoaxed, so it's never going to further the field, i.e. Zak's brick throwing at the Goldfield Hotel. I have to admit, this was just fun to watch and get creeped out like you do during a good horror movie. I thought they were better than the crap found on Paranormal Activity which I found to just be the biggest snoozefest ever.

  3. I forgot the name of the show (I think ghost hunters) where you have three guys going into random places at night carrying ghost equipment. Watching that always freaks me out.

  4. Watchman;
    Yup. A lot of other shows were born from that premise. Ghost hunting is actually ridiculously boring, but for people who don't poke around old buildings in the dark hoping to encounter the strange--it is pretty freaky and weird.

  5. Hey Liquor Guy;
    I love this video. I can't help it. It sucks trying to get evidence with the equipment we have to use. It's a total snooze. Long ago, when they started GH, I said, "are you shitting me? Someone is making a show about my boring hobby?" I imagined it would be like sitting in a basement watching mushrooms grow and, hey, it's like sitting in a basement watching mushrooms grow.

  6. I remember watching this on tv awhile back, some were cheesy, but others... /shivers

  7. Vapor;
    Yeah, it stuck with me. I'm not saying it's legit, but it makes for damn fine reality-feeling watching.

  8. Amazing footage.Thanx for putting this up.

  9. Echo;
    Doesn't it just give you shivers? Very well done production.

  10. Fun video, complete with a few goosebumps. I've said it before, but I think it'd be creepier without the cheesy ghost sound effects and narrator hyperbole.

  11. HWH;
    Oh yes! I agree! "A Haunting" on Discovery completely worked because of the music but mostly the narrator. That man could read me the phone book and I'd be looking over my shoulder.

  12. Sucio;
    Poor, dear. It's about 72 here (aka 22 C)?

  13. Real or not, very entertaining to watch...thanks for sharing.

    And also thanks for agreeing that Paranormal Activity was a snoozefest. I could not wait for that to end. I thought I was the only person that didn't think it was the greatest thing ever :)


  14. I freaking love this show. I love seeing video evidence.

  15. Israel
    I'm with you. I wish they'd do a weekly show like this. Sure, it's all online hoaxes and crap, but like on Fact or Faked--I wish the whole hour was just looking at the videos and conjecturing if they're real or not and not going in the field and building models and testing things. I just want to see the videos, have them kick back with popcorn and discuss the things we would say when tearing apart the vids.

  16. This is cool. I've actually seen almost all the stuff on here somewhere before, not all, but most. Pretty creepy!
